Little ill Jackieboy (Fluff)

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Basic Story: Jack is ill so Mark takes care of him, it's pretty darn cute how he does it as well.

Warnings: just fluff fluff fluffy fluff fluff

[Mark's Pov]

I woke up to the sound of sniffling and loud breathing.

My eyes adjusted to the light and I slightly rolled over, not fully, but just enough that I could turn my head.

I saw Jack, wide awake but laid in bed, his hand on his forehead and he was breathing slowly.

"Jackie, are you okay?" I asked him with worry.

"Oh, Mark, I'm sorry I woke you, my nose is just terrible..." He said, his voice different due to his clogged up nose.

"No it's fine, what's wrong?" I asked him, sitting up and looking at him.

"My nose, my head, my throat, everything I think." He said, sniffing again.

"Awe my poor Jackie is ill is he?" I asked, giving a smile.

"Haha...yeah. You better look after me." He said with a slight smile.

"Of course I'll look after you, breakfast sound good? I can bring it up here if you want." I said, putting my legs over the side of the bed.

"No...ill come downstairs for it. Thanks Markimoo." He said, giving a weak smile before sniffling again.

"Alright love..." I said as I stood up.

I walked downstairs, went into the kitchen and got out some pancake mixture, getting what I needed out of the cupboards.

I poured the mixture into the pan and waited until I could flip it.

I heard the stairs creaking and looked around the corner to see Jack slowly making his way down the stairs.

"That smells great." He said, flashing me a smile before slowly sitting down on the sofa and putting the TV on low volume.

He was speaking so softly and quietly, not exactly normal for the loud and energetic Jacksepticeye. Even the TV on low volume? Jack was not the person to be associated with anything 'low volume' poor thing.

I flipped the pancake and put it on a plate, walking over to Jack.

I gave him a kiss on his head before handing him the plate.

"Thanks Marki Mark." He said with a giggle.

"Anything for you Jackie." I said, giggling back.

I saw Jack start to shiver, so I walked upstairs and grabbed a blanket, one that a fan had made for him.

I walked downstairs and I put the blanket over Jack, sitting down and snuggling close to him.

"Mark, I'm contagious, don't get close to me..." He said quietly.

"I do what I want..." I chuckled, letting him rest his head on my shoulder while I rested mine on his.

I kissed his head again and ran my fingers through his soft hair.

"Mark...I'm'll get whatever I've got if ye carry on..." He said.

"I don't care..." I told him, hugging him from the side and kissing him again.

Jack chuckled and gave up and trying to stop me, so he let me carry on.

I kept stroking his hair and kissing him every so often until I looked down and realised he had fallen asleep.

I smiled and looked and him, he looked so adorable.

His nose was a bit red and he looked really tired, awe.

I rested my head back on his and started to close my eyes, the sound of the TV slowly fading away...

~wheres me pot of lucky time skips?~

My eyes slowly flickered open, realising I was still on the sofa...but not where I was last time.

I was laid fully down on the sofa...where was Jack?

I slowly sat up and heard humming behind the sofa.

I looked and saw Jack humming a tune while putting away stuff I had used for the pancakes.

"*sniff*-long was I asl-*sniff*-asleep for?" I asked.

Jack chuckled and smiled at me.

"What? What's funny?" I asked, confused.

"You 'do what you want' do you? You 'don't care' do you?" Jack repeated my words with a giggle.

It took a minute to understand but I knew when I sniffed again.

" got me ill!" I said, sniffing once more.

"Who's a sick wittle baby?" Jack mocked me in a silly voice.

"Urgh...shut up." I chuckled, laying back down again.

Jack walked over to the sofa and looked  over me.

"Now we're both ill, that's what ye get." He smirked.

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