Photoshoot Time (Fluff)

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Basic Story: Mark and Jack visit Felix and decide to have a photoshoot, but Felix didn't want to take this many photos.

Warnings: No lemon just cute photos (no dirty photos you sinners)

[Jack's Pov]

I brought my hand up to the door, knocking on it loudly so it was clear. I brought my hand back down and put it in my pocket, feeling the warmth return. "Cold?" I heard Mark's soft voice ask me. I turned and looked at him, smiling weakly. "Yeah." He chuckled and put an arm around me, rubbing my arm. "I'd warm you up like I did last night, but there's other people at this house." He winked.

My face flushed red and my body heated up, making me look back at the door. "Shut up." I told him. He let out a deep chuckle and leaned his head in front of my face. "Awe come on, I won't tell Felix~" I let out a sigh and moved my eyes to look in his. "I forgive ya, but if you say anything like that when we're in there, I'll blush like crazy." He smiled as he looked back into my tired eyes. "You're so cute when you blush though." He told me.

Before I could reply and tell him to stop making my cheeks red, the door opened and Felix stood in front of us. He was holding a camera, recording us with a big smile. "Look who decided to show up!" He said, zooming in on my face. "Hey!" I said in a high pitched voice, giggling afterwards. Mark waved and gave a smile, before stepping inside.

"Give the fans a kiss guys!" Felix demanded, pointing the camera to my hand holding Mark's, then up to our faces. "Really? Don't they get enough already?" Mark chuckled. "Come oooon, the shippers want it!" Felix looked like a giddy fan himself, and Mark rolled his eyes with a smile. "Alright, alright..." He let go of my hand and turned to me, holding onto the sides of my head as he pressed his lips to mine.

I jolted slightly, still not used to the feeling of this. I calmed down and closed my eyes, kissing back softly. "That's enough, that's enough!" Felix giggled. Mark pulled away and chuckled, looking at my blushing face. Felix turned the camera to his face and explained why we were here. " I'll be the photographer, because everyone knows I take marvellous photos." He said proudly. Mark rolled his eyes with a smile, squeezing my hand softly. I turned to him and smiled, swinging our hands slightly.

"Now come on in into the photographers room, made by the one and only." Felix said as he waved his hand for us to follow him, leading us into a room with a white floor and background hung up, some lights and a camera on a tripod, along with various props. "I thought the photoshoot was gonna be romantic, not silly!" I giggled, looking at the mess of random things everywhere.

"It can still be romantic!" Felix said as if he were offended. "What's not romantic about cowboy hats and dresses?" Mark laughed and took a look at the props as well. "Oh boy, this is gonna be fun!" Felix put the recording camera on another tripod, to film the photoshoot. I stood in the white area while Mark picked up some bunny ears and a cowboy hat. "How do those things match?" I giggled, taking the bunny ears from him.

"They don't!" He told me, putting on the cowboy hat. "Howdy partner!" He joked, while Felix got the camera set up. "What is this, Brokeback mountain?" I blushed and giggled at Felix, and Mark leaned closer to me. "I wish I could quit you..." He said in an exaggerated accent. I laughed even more, making him laugh along with me.

We finally got photos done, and it started out with me putting on the bunny ears and biting my bottom lip, putting my hands up like paws while Mark tipped his cowboy hat like it was a fedora. After that, Mark put on some angel wings and I got on my knees, praying to him while he battered his eyelashes.

Next, I put the white lacy dress over my shirt and jeans, lifting up the bottom of it to do a curtesy while Mark dabbed. "I AM THE ONE-" Felix began yelling, the song starting to play in my head. "Stop with that song, oh my god!" I giggled, while Mark burst out laughing.

After the silly photos were taken, we put the props down and sorted out our hair. I stood in the middle and Mark stood behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and closing his eyes. He rested his head on my shoulder and against my cheek, while I a hand over his arm and touched his cheek with the tips of my fingers. (Like the fan art basically cause I suck at describing things haH)

"Awee..." Felix said, taking the photo with a smile on his face. I blushed and giggled again, my jaw hurting from smiling so much already. The next photo had me laid on my stomach with my knees bent so my feet were in the air, along with my chin resting on my hands. Mark also doing the same, staring into my eyes. The clicking of the camera was heard, and I couldn't stop staring into Mark's gorgeous eyes.

The little crinkle of his eyes when he smiled, squinting with that cute smile of his, brightening up my day. We took a few more before we got to our final photo, me being pressed up against Mark's chest, my hands placed there gently while his hands were on my waist. He had to look down at me slightly, making me feel small and that he was much taller than me, although he wasn't that much taller than me really.

Felix took the photo, but he winked at Felix before he moved his hands down to my ass, my eyes widening slightly and my face flushing red. Felix took the photo straight away, laughing along with Mark. "Mark!" I said, hitting his arm playfully. "Awe, I'm sorry!" He chuckled. "He agreed to this too!" He told me as he pointed a finger at Felix. "Aye, aye, aye, aye! Don't be blaming me Mark!"

I sprinted towards Felix, chasing him around the room and finally getting to hit his back before he stopped and caught his breath. "Got ya bitch!" I laughed, Mark stood watching in joy. Felix pouted and pretended to look extremely hurt. "I wasn't the only one! It was Mark's idea too but I don't see you going after him!" He complained. Mark chuckled and flexed his arms. "Oh Felix, don't you know? Everyone goes after me..." He spoke in a proud voice, making me giggle. "...I'm just too irresistible!"

Felix rolled his eyes. "Jack's ass is irresistible to your hands." He smirked, regretting his decision when I put my hand up to hit him again. "Okay, okay! I'm sorry, I won't say anything more!" He cowered. "Can't we take some more photos?" I asked with a tilt of my head. Felix shook his head. "I got family coming over soon! And besides, I've taken loads!" He whined, starting to put the camera away.

"You wouldn't even take a photo if I did...this?" Mark smirked, pulling me into the camera view and placing his hands on the side of my head, pressing his lips to mine. My eyes widened and I tensed up in shock, I didn't get to calm down until after I heard the click and the flash of the camera. "I got it! Woo! That was a close one! Warn me a bit earlier next time Mark." Felix smirked. Mark chuckled and nodded to him, turning to me. "You've gone quite red."

I pouted and crossed my arms, looking away from him. "You surprised me! And I bet a look awful in that photo he just took...I wasn't ready!" I complained with a whine. Mark shook his head. "Oh please, you look perfect in any photo. And if it's silly, then you don't look awful, you look like an adorable goofball!" I smiled at his kind words before holding his hand gently. "Thanks Markimoo. Should we head off then?" I asked.

He nodded and rubbed my hand with his thumb, smiling at Felix. "We'll be off then, send us the photos when you've got them converted onto the computer, yeah?" He asked, while I stood like a child listening to grown ups talking. Felix smiled back and nodded. "I sure will? Ah, all the adorable comments once they go on Instagram will be so cute!" He teased, making me giggle and smile much more.

"Yeah, yeah, you'll be one of 'em." I told him. He laughed and agreed, walking with us to the door and letting us out. "Bye guys! Come again if you need any sexy photo shoots!" He yelled after us. Mark chuckled and waved. "We will! Won't we Jack?" He asked, looking at me with a raised eyebrow. "Oh, you have no idea what I have in mind." He smirked. I hit his arm and looked away. "You pervert!" I said in a girly voice, giggling afterwards.

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