Isn't love sweet? (Fluff)

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Basic Story: Some scenarios where cuteness is involved in Jack and Mark's relationship :3

Warnings: This shit be cute

[Jack's Pov]

I feel lonely when your arms aren't wrapped around me.
I feel so fragile when you're not here, I feel like I would break if someone else held onto me.
But you hold me just right.
You hold me with love and care.
You hold me together.

"Wake up sleepy head." Mark's deep morning voice echoed through my head, making my eyes flutter open and I was able to notice the morning sun beam down onto my face. "M...Morning..." I replied in a tired, worn out voice.

I had been yelling at a game yesterday night, it got me so fucking mad and frustrated I couldn't stop hitting the wall. Good thing it had padding, I would have probably punched a hole in it.

~Flashback to Yesterday night~

"FUCK THIS GAME AND EVERYTHING IT STANDS FOR!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, smacking the wall harshly and resting the side of my head against it. "IM DONE!" I said, dragging the words out as I leaned off the wall and threw my hat on the floor.

"Jack?" I heard Mark call, his footsteps outside the room. The door opened and he stepped in, confused I didn't give him a reply. "You okay?" He asked me, walking over to where I was stood, but I didn't turn around. "This game is so fucking annoying, the controls are weird as balls and the character keeps glitching and there's not a long enough time limit and-"

I was cut off by Mark wrapping his arms around stomach and moving my head so he could press his lips to mine. He pulled away and smiled. "How about you stop recording and we can cuddle on the bed, yeah? You can edit this out later." He told me in a soft, soothing tone.

~Flashback to yesterday night, over~

I smiled at the thought of us cuddling together, the images coming into my head. "You're voice sounds rough." Mark told me, stating the obvious. "Well I did rage a lot didn't I?" I said with a chuckle, shuffling about under the sheets to get myself more comfortable.

Mark chuckled before sitting up, resting on his side still with his hand holding his head up. "Come on, you need to get up." He said, moving my shoulder. I groaned and pulled the sheets up more. "Mrh...f...five more minutes..." I murmured, my eyes drooping until they closed.

Mark sighed but laid back down on his side and wrapped his arms around my smaller body. "Alright, but only because I love you." My cheeks become hot and they were sure to be bright red. I buried my face deeper into the pillow, smiling the newly washed scent with a smile.

Even my dreams would consist of me and Mark hugging and cuddling, no wonder Mark said I sometimes smiled in my sleep.


[Mark's Pov]

"OW! MOTHER FUCKER!" I heard a yell. I rolled my eyes, wondering what the silly Irish man had done this time. It wasn't a game he was getting mad at, as the yell came from downstairs. I got off my chair and walked out the room, walking down the hall to the stairs.

"Jack?" I called out, walking down the steps and looking around. "I'm in here!" I heard him yell. I followed the voice into the kitchen, seeing Jack on the floor shakily holding his finger. "Jack what happened?" I asked, rushing over to him and crouching down to him.

I looked at his finger and saw it was bleeding, a thin cut across his skin. I looked up at the counter and saw a chopping board with a very sharp knife. "I was trying to make something for ye and I slipped when cutting the carrots..." He told me, making me chuckle. "It's not funny you asshole!" Jack said, some slight anger in his voice.

"Sorry, it's just that its so cute that you tried to do something for me." I told him, smiling. I saw him blush, looking away. "Shut up..." He said quickly. I stood up and grabbed a plaster from one of the cupboards, crouching down and showing him it. "Thanks-" He said, reaching for it.

I pulled it away and raised an eyebrow. "Ah, ah, ah, you know what happens when your partner cuts their finger don't you?" I asked him. He tilted his head questionably. "What?" I held his finger in front of my lips and smiled. "They suck it." I told him. His face flushed red and his eyes widened as I put my lips around his finger and tasted the iron flavour of blood.

I pulled away and held up the plaster again, wrapping it around his finger. "There." I told him, kissing his hand. "Yer a fookin' vampire aren't ye?" Jack said, still bright red and looking away. "No, but I know you can't stand the taste of it." I told him, turning his head to face me. "I could have washed it off, but I wanted to see you blush." I pressed my lips to his and held onto the sides of his head as I did.

He snaked his arms around my neck and kissed back slowly, I could feel his red hot cheeks as they pressed against mine. I pulled away and stood up, reaching my hand out as he took it. I smiled wide as I pulled him up, wrapping my arms around him and hugging him.

"You didn't have to make anything for me, you goof." I told him, closing my eyes as I snuggled into his neck. "I thought I could, but should we just order pizza?" He chuckled. I pulled away, chuckling with him. "That would be for the best." I kissed his cheek and walked away to find my phone.

God I love him.

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