super late Halloween addition

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This is legit what happen to me and my friends. Omg it was so bad xD but I hope you like it. I was dressed as delirious well a sexy delirious cause I'm a girl a gray smooth crop top and Some black skinny jeans, my boyfriend was vanoss, my friend was lui and her boyfriend was nogla and so on and so for. Happy Halloween! And there all teenagers

Delirious pov
As I was putting on my jason mask I was making sure it was on fleek. Then i heard a loud glass brake. I jumped and turned around. "What the...fuck?" As I was gonna go downstairs I stopped myself. "Wait....I'm not like does white people that go check....fuck that" I close the door and begin to text evan. As soon Is I was typing the door was being banged really hard. "Jesus!" I turn around and softy backed away. Then someone graved me from the back making me scream. I turn around to see evan laughing and tyler opening the door falling to the he floor laughing his ass off. "Idiots!" Evan tried to kiss me but I pushed him away. "Fuck you guys" I graved the bucket and whent down stairs. "Aww come on babe, it was just a prank" I turned around and gave him a death glare.

"What did you brake back in my house?"

"Umm the base of the flowers I gave you last week"

My Eyes widen "WHAT?!" I turn around about to show evan a pice of my mind but he lifted his hands up "im just kidding! I'm just kidding!" I growled and turned around. "Where are you going babe?" I turned around and fleeked him off "I'm going with luke" I know how much he doesn't like me around him but he is like a bro to me so....

Vanoss pov

"Im going with luke" I stopped walking. "Why? You know I don't like you around him" he pouts "but....we always go trick or treating..." I glare at him "can he atleast tag along?" He knows I don't like him near me, especially near delirious but he did his puppy dog eyes and whimpers. I sigh knowing I can never say no to that face. "Fine...." his eyes widen and starts to bounce up and down. "Thank you evan! I love you" as soon as that escaped his lips I smiled and he took of. I sigh and I felt a hand on my shoulder. "You know what they say, happy wife, happy life" I laughed and pushed him a little. "Hey a good boyfriend got to do what a good boyfriend gotta do" we waited for the rest to arrive. Are group was completed...well not yet.

"Ugh I knew I should of gone with him" I was about to take of my phone but then I heard my angel. "We are here!" I look up to see droid, delirious and cartoonz hugging. My hole body begun to shake, shake of anger. They let go and laughed. "We brought a person along!" Delirous yelled. I open an eye and smirk. "We can see that" but I guess cause of my anger it came out another way I wanted it to come out.

"Evan" he rolled his eyes and looked to cartoonz and droid and they nodded. He looked at me and smirked. 'Oh no...they made him do something with them' he took a big deep breath and smiled. "Did you guys hear about the place that was shut down for hearing screaming sounds on the back~"

Craigs pov

"Ummm....I dont think officer tarry would be happy with that..." droid smirked and placed and arm around me. "Aaa mini ladd, pero a nadie les inporta si no se puede entrar o si somos chamacos no nos importan" he said in his mexican voice. I shivered and blushed. "I-i guess that's true" I laughed and smiled.

Tylers pov

"Umm some of us don't know Spanish" i growled "not all of us are mexican" I spat. Delirious sighs and swings his hips to my direction. I blushed but looked away. "Come on tyler don't be like that, mini is whitish and he understood" I sigh but then realized....'that's right..but how does he understood Carlos?' The tought send waves of anger to my body I just wanted to drop something.

"EEEEPPP!" I snap out of my anger and see that I'm caring delirious up in the air. "Oh sorry buddy, I uhhhh- would you believe I was in my own world and tried to throw something but I guess I graved you instead?" I laughed nervously at how he would respond. "Okay...I'll believe you...just, um can you out me down? Please I'm scared of hights...." I nod but smirked. "Im going to get a lot of milage out of that delirious" he blushed and ran behind luke and evan. I laughed and walked to mini placing my chin on his head and raped my arms around him.

Lui's pov

I look up at nogla who is just waiting for us to say let's go get candy or let's go to that place where we are gonna get horribly murdered. He noticed I was looking at him and smiled. I on the other hand blushed madly and looked away fast but all it did is made nogla chuckle and placed a soft kiss on my head. I blushed but smiled at his sweetness. "Welp...I say we get the candy first and then go to that place IF we have time" vanoss said pulling delirious making him pout. "Let's do this shit than" I squike out. We laughed and graved are buckets.

It's now 11:11

After we fucked around we tease some kids amd got candy we just laughed until I got graved my my hand and pulled. "H-hey?!" Everyone else turned around. Nogla growls and tries to grave me but got punched. "NOGLA!" They laughed and pulled me close. They are the assholes around here and pricks to the kids that lived here before them. "What do you guys want?" They smirk and graved my bucket. "Give us all your candy and your friend will be fine. I gasped as a cold sharp thing was being pressed at my neck. Tears streamed from my eyes. "No way! We worked for them!" Mini yelled. Then I saw delirious get closer to them. "Give me my friend and I'll give you what you want" they whistled at him and checked him out. "Give me my friend back....." the guy smirked and he simply said. "We want the candy and this sugar Caine infront of me~" delirous smirked and graved his machete from the back.

"Leave my friend alone"

"Oooooooh~ you want to play like that"

"I won't say it again"

They smirked "I bet you that's fake" delirous growled and threw it to the tree making it stay there perfectly. "Oh yea let's see how 'fake' it is~" they slowly let go of me and pushed me to to delirious. I sigh in relief. "You'll pay for this h2o delirious"

"Yea yea fuck off" I look up at delirious and smiled. "Thank you" he smiled and hugged me. "Im just glad your okay" I ran to nogla to see him holding his stomach. "I love you lui" I laughed and kissed him (this legit happen in my street).

Luke's pov

'Well time to put this prank to the test,me and droid been making plans to it and we are finally gonna make it work' I sigh and a devilish smirk was placed in my face. I nod to droid and got closer to them. "Now let's go to the place" vanoss shook his head "Nah maybe nest time-" he got cut off by delirious jumping. "Hell yea!" I grave delirious by his arm and started to walk away. Nogla amd lui called a quits and left home, mini and tyelr agreed but evan was just taking his sweet time to agree. "I knew I can count on you guys" vanoss sighs in frustration "ill go with you guys" he growls. I smirk and pulled him with us. "Glad you changed your mind~" he was obviously pissed off but it's just gonna make things better.....

Tun Tun Tun next part will be posted later bye

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