all that he wants: minicat

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He leads a Lonely life.
He leads a lonely life

Tyler would always go out in the night to the clubs and bring a new guy to his house every week. He would even bring 3 or 4 in a week.

When he woke up late in the morning light, and the day has just begun, he opened his eyes and tought "oh what a morning" It's not a day for work, it's a day to catch a tan, just laying on the beach and having fun....his gonna get you

He wakes up in the morning with a guy on his bed but he never stays with them. He wants to find the right person....but for now...he just wants to be a player and not care that he is cheating with someone else. He is like a free spirit running free, but evantually he is gonna get trapped.

All that he wants is another baby, his gone tomorrow, boy all that he wants is another baby, yea. all that he wants is another baby, his gone tomorrow, boy all that he wants is another baby, yea

He would have sex with any guy he tought are cute or sexy. He would have sex with them in there house or in his, but evantually when they would wake up in there bed. He would be gone and no where to be seen. It's like a one time in a life time chance. Witch he tought was perfect. He got what he wanted now he would leave.

So if you are in sight and the day is right, he is the hunter and your the fox, the gentle voice that talks to you, won't talk forever. It is a night of passion but the morning means goodbye, beware of what is flashing in his eyes, his gonna get you. All that he wants is another baby, his gone tomorrow, boy all that he wants is another baby, yea

But one day he found a pray that made him get really excited to see what that boy had. He was with another 6 guys and that made it better. He had short curly-ish hair and was a normal size person. His laugh rang threw tylers ears. He was dying to get that guy. Tyler was a few feet away from them and waited for the perfect chance. They all walked to the dance floor. He finally made a move and got close to the boy. "Hey you knew here? I never seen you here"  I said loud enough for him to hear me. He smiled and nodded. "Y-yea, my first time here" Tyler smirked and motioned him to sit in a table. "What's your name glasses?" The guy blushed and smiled. "Craig....and you?" Tyler smiled and deside to tell him his real name. He often would give different names to his prays but he felt like telling him his real name to that guy. It was something about him. "Names tyler...." Craig smiled.

After introducing each other and talking

"Well mini how about we take this party to my house?" Craig blushed madly but nodded. "Okay" was all he said. After they arrived to tylers house, they talked some more. Tyler was feeling different. It was a new feeling he felt when he talked to thus guy. He never felt it with anyone else, witch was weird. "Mini~" Craig shivered and crawled up to tyler. "Y-yes tyler?" Tyler smirked and kissed the mixed British man. It whent slow and passionate, witch was nothing like tyler. He wanted things straight to the point, but not this time. The kiss transformed into a make-out session and then that session turned heated. Tyler picked up Craig and placed him in his bed softly. He crawled onto of him and kissed his face and went all over his body.

All that he wants is another baby, his gone tomorrow, boy all that he wants is another baby, yea.......all that he wants is another baby, his gone tomorrow, boy all that he wants is another baby, yea  all that he wants is another baby, his gone tomorrow, boy all that he wants is another baby, yea

The next they tyler woke up. He turned around to see Craig sound asleep, but this time....he wasn't gonna go anywhere. He was gonna stay.

A/n no lie......I'm pretty proud of this one xD lol I'm serial anyways I hope you enjoyed this one shot....and don't forget to fav, comment and follow all that good stuff, and I will talk to y'all later...Peace out everyone!

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