No Pirate appreciates the treasure (h2oVanoss)

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Part 1

Thanks for The_Glitched for showing me this random AU you found on Tumblr, sorry if it was lame, but I'm still getting towards the good stuff. Let me know what y'all think of it, btw it's a mermaid or merman au


The ocean was covered in the grey heavy clouds it was almost impossible to see thru the thick smoke.

The ocean was covered in the grey heavy clouds it was almost impossible to see thru the thick smoke

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(Let's say that's his view of the ocean)

I hated staying in this village, I was always so curious about what was out there or who was out there. It's quite a trip, but I wanted to do it. Even with me knowing the risk of never coming back.

"Sir, Evan" I heard someone say.

I take a few steps back from my balcony before I gave them my full attention. "Yes?"

"Are you sure you want to wonder out there? It's a scary place and you're girlfriend wouldn't want you dead-"

"Tom. Don't worry about a thing, I'll be fine and I'll come back-"

My servant's hazle eyes wonder down into my chest, my arm and out my window. He was nervous and scared for me, but a life of an adventurer ment facing death every time.

"There's a tale....not to long ago" he paused and bites his lip slightly. "He was a younge man, that loved the water but never learned how to swim. One day while hanging around the deck waiting for his best friends arrival, he found himself looking straight into his enemies eyes. He put up a fight against thoes 6 males but it just wasn't enough, they beat him up for laughs and entertainment until one of them started to take things a little too far"

I was all over the place, why was he telling me this? Why now?

"What happen to the guy?" I asked, the sudden story caught my attention making me perk up.

"They dragged him to the end of the deck and pushed him into the wild crazy ocean. The waves crashed into him roughly making him fall into a big panic attack. He was already struggling to stay up, but now with the ocean pushing him down under water, made everything harder for the poor soul. Reaching up for air and trying to reach for something or someone to save himself with, but there was no use. The waves swallowed him and dragged him into the deep ends"

Someone murdered a man. Without me being aware of nun of this. Me sitting here thinking that my kingdom is safe and I never new about this.

"This was 5 years ago-"

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