Delirious: It's just me myself and i

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A/n play the song when I tell you and another thing......I really hope that fame doesn't get into there head cause...that would suck...and I the fame got into Evan's head cause...he doesn't say thank you for hitting a mile stone and there's a lot of things he stopped doing now...and it kinda sucks when youtubers get lost into that type of stuff cause they forget why they do the things they do when they first started...yea it makes us laugh and shit but now it feels...different. I might be wrong but ya just feels like really hope I'm wrong doe...enjoy


Delirious pov

"I finally got home...why can't we jus' hang out? Jus' be alone with are friends inside, jus' us" I said. "It will be just us, truest me will have fun" He said patting me in the back. I sigh and git on the car. 'Knowing evan he would invite a shit load of people to my house and party until we have bags under are eyes...' I said to myself.

"You should be happy man! You just hit 15 million subscribers and you did a face reveal and they all said you look hot and sexy...shit not everyone gets all does complements and besides"evan paused and smiled at me "we are getting richer every time just by sitting infront of a fuckin' computer, easy life!" Evan laughed. I frowned and looked at him. "Y' think you changed evan..." I said. "What do you mean?" He asked. "Waddo I mean? I mean that before numbers ment nothing to you and how you did it for fun, now your doing this for the money..." I confessed. "Your talking nonsense jonathan, maybe that airplane flight to England fucked you up" he laughed. I rolled my eyes and looked out the window. 'This is not the evan I feel in love with 4 years ago...' I said to myself.

Time skip

"Come on jonathan" evan said while opening the door for me. "You'll have a great time with us" he said. I took a deep breath and walked upstairs. I then felt something warm on my ass. I yelped and turned around to see evan smirking. "Nice ass~" he said. I faked smiled and playedfully rolled my eyes at him. "What ever evan~" I said.

I opened the door to my house and then the lights when on and I was welcomed home by a bunch of people from YouTube. "SURPRISE! And happy birthday" They all yelled. I stared at all of the people and I faked smiled. I waved at all the people in my house and 'smiled' for the camara's. 'You liar evan...we where not gonna be alone like you said...we where gonna have a mob of assholes in my house' I growled as I smiled. After I got inside everyone said welcome and congratulations. I smiled and they started to put on music. I cringed but still kept a smile on my face. I pulled evan and wispered. "Im going to the restroom..." I said. He smiled and nods. I sigh and walked inside my room. I closed the door and walked into my bathroom. "Surprise! Surprise! Another day of turn up...." I said to myself.

(Play the song now)

I looked at myself In the mirror and saw someone different. "This is not me...this was never how I wanted my life to go..." I said. I splashed water in my face and dried myself up. "You'll be okay delirious..." I said out loud.

Ooooh it's just me, myself and I, so solo ride until I die cause I, got me for life (yea) ooooh I don't need a hand to hold even when the night is cold I got that fire in ma soul.

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