part 4 of "not your fault" (h2oVanoss)

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Luke's pov

I found myself shaking. Trembling for no reason. I watched from the back as jonathan would send random glances at me. I would fake smile at him but he saw right thru that lie.

"We're here!" Evan said. I sigh in relief and got outside the car as quickly as I could. My wobbly legs could hardly keep me up but I managed. Jonathan stands right besides evan and holds his hand while he looks at me.

He smiles at me and tugs on Evan's hands. "Ev, can you go tell them to get us a table for 3?" Jonathan asked. Evan was a little hesitant but did as he was told.

"Love, what's wrong?"

"N-nothing, I'm just a little lost in though.....-"

"Don't lie to me"


Jonathan comes closer to me and my breathe hitched. "What's wrong? Your shaking...." He whispered. He takes a hold of my hand and looks directly into my dark brown eyes.

I pant slightly and closed my eyes. "I might be moving..."

Jonathan flinched and holds my hand tighter. I opened my eyes and his beautiful blue eyes were now accumulating tears. "Don't say that....tell me your lying-"

"I can't lie to you" I told him. "Im sorry, Jay...."

He pulls me in for a hug and I squeak a tiny bit from my jumpy attitude. He graves a fist full of my hair and rubs circles in my back. I hug back feeling his smaller frame shake a bit.

"I'll do my best to stay by your side, okay? I won't leave you...I wouldn't dream of it"

He hugs me tighter and I sigh. "Don't be scared-"

"I need you...."


My head hurts, I'm spinning and I feel really weak. I'm pushing my body to the limits. I pat him on the back and he let's go. "Come on, evan must be waiting"

He sniffs and cleans his eyes but he wasn't alright. His mood was dark and gloomy. I think I might of messed up.

We entered and evan was already sitting down with his phone in hand. Jonathan sits next to evan and I sit directly infront of them. My hands where shaking violently and evan noticed.



"Your hands....there- Umm are you okay?" He asked. I smiled softly at evan and nod. "I'll be fine..."


10 minutes past and I was now sitting next to jonathan. I was still shaking and it was so difficult for me to eat anything. My head and eyes hurt but jonathan was there to rub my back and tell me it was okay.

Half way into eating I get a text message from my dad.

Dad: I was hoping I wouldn't have no problems with you. Your a disaster, your just like the rest them. I wanted you to be better but I guess I was wrong. I was wrong for believing in my one and only son. Thanks for being the fuck up of the family. Maybe my sister has better luck with her child. 

Is that what he thinks of me? Did I really fuck up that bad?

I turned of my phone and I sniffed twice. I felt Jonathan quickly turn his head to me and he gasped.

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