The One (MiniCat)

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Girl after girl, day after day. I couldn't be happy with non of them. They couldn't satisfie me because, they just weren't him. They couldn't make me smile as much as he does, they couldn't make me laugh or make me happy as much as he did. They didn't connect to me as much as he does with me.

They aren't the one.

He is amazing, funny, charming, dumb, silly, adorable and annoying but of cores he already had someone in his life. Someone that made him happy. Someone that makes him feel emotions that no one else could make him feel. I'm happy for him but, I always felt like he could be happier, with me...

He was everything I ever saw on someone. He was strong and very talented. We like music, just like the rest of the people out there but knowing that he like creating it, just like me. Made me feel happy and somewhat special...

He was the one

That other girl I went out with a few years ago made me like the art of pictures, of styles and meanings behind them, the other girl made me feel connected more towards animals then I already did. She had her own dog and so did I so I would say that brought us closer.

I'd connect to them in different ways. The first girl had her passion, taking pictures and YouTube where her passion and I admire that, she's beautiful and had a great personality. I guess that's why we connected but for the other girl I just felt better. She understood me more. She was beautiful as well and had most of my character traits. She lazy and active. She was a nerd but she was also a
girly girl. She loved dogs just as much as I did and over all we just clicked together.

They where all amazing but...

They are not the one

I couldn't connect with them as much as I did with him. I couldn't feel the true feeling of love. No matter how many people I see, there just not the one's.

I will forever embrace the ship that are fans made for us because I can at least fantasia of what would be like to be his.

Even though I will never do anything to separate him and his love for his girlfriend, I will always have a special area in my heart just for him.

Cause he could of been the one

But of cores not all stories end the way you planned them to be, he isn't gay and he doesn't see me as more then his friend.

As long as I have his friendship, thats enough for me because loosing him is worse then not having him for myself.

"Mini are you paying attention?"

"Yea, I always do..."


A/n Short because there's no need to say anything else. I got this from the past relationships are fellow cinnamon bun (Craig) had. It just a little idea, "What if Craig broke up with his other girlfriends because they weren't the one?" Also don't take the idea serious, it's just for fan fic.

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