part 6 of "not your fault"

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(Play the song when I tell you too)

Luke's pov

2 weeks later

I had my cat back with me. It was 3 o'clock in the afternoon and all I was doing was walk around my house while my cat follows behind me. Once I set down he jumped into my lap and layed there as I pet his head. I put on music and closed my eyes. Me and my cat would lay on the sofa listening to music and just enjoying the moment. I let a few silent tears fall of my face and my cat looks at me.

"Your back..." I whispered and the cat meows. "Im so happy...."

I whipped my tears away and smiled hugging my cat softly as she just purs in my arms.

We listen to rock, old songs and pop music. I look at snapchat and glared at the new story coming from jonathan.

He left me. Without a word and without even saying good bye. He left and now he was enjoying his life back at North Carolina while I suffer in Los Angeles.

I didn't care thoe, I was somewhat happy. I never heard from evan the day I walked away from him and I honestly didn't care. Not hearing from them made my life so much easier yet I felt alone. I was totally fine about it but something changed in me.

Finally my phone rings and I picked it up.

"Hello?" I asked happily.

"L-luke?" Jonathan asked.

I hummed and he sighs.

"Im sorry"

I didn't say anything and he sighs once more. "Im leaving again..."

"What?" I asked.

"I left and came back....just to see you again...I didn't have the balls to come and talk to you. I didn't have the strength to see you. I didn't want to see you without me dying inside..."

"...." My heart beat was going so fast I feel like it's gonna pop out of my chest. "I....I'm sorry....I wasn't the best of best friends....I'm sorry I had to leave and-"


"Today is my last day here....and I never even got to spend a day with you..."

I lowered my head and I pull on my hair. "I love you...."

".....I love you too...." I whispered.

What I'm i saying?

"Please don't leave....."

No, let go!

"I need you...."

"I want to see you again....just one more time...even if it kills me....I want to see your beautiful smile, does brown eyes....and you...everything of you" his voice cracks mid sentence and I nod.

"Please...come see me...."

"I will...but later....okay love?"

I hum and he sighs. "I'll see you later...bye love"

I mumbled a bye and I hang up. It hurt me so much that he was leaving. It destroyed me. "Don't say bye to me.....stay with me and tell me everything is gonna be okay...." I said before letting a small cry scape my lips.

I took a hold of my phone and texted my friend, Elizabeth.

I told her everything. What had happened and that she was coming to say goodbye.

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