cold prank (pandox)

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This is for FoxyFallon that she wanted to get pared up with her friend panda. So here it is. Sorry it came out super late...

It was a chilly day. Fox sighs and walks thru the park. "Hopefully she'll get my message" Fox said. As she walked a car splashed her with water. She gasped and glared at the man. "Oh god, now I look horrible, but I can't leave, what if panda is there and she thinks I pranked her again?"

Wet and cold fox walks towards her destination. She finally gets there and sees the lake was frozen from the cold they been having. "Gee, hope she doesn't forget"


Meanwhile, panda walks in the kitchen and saw blue sitting on the couch. "Panda?" Blue called out. "Yea?" Panda answered. "Fox left you a note"

"Ugh....what does it say?" Panda asked. "I swear this time I won't prank you, come to the park infront of the lake at 6 pm, I want to tell you something, love fox" blue said. She looked up at panda and sighs. "Are you going?"

"No, she pulled this trick too many times, I don't want to be left there like an idiot waiting for her again" panda said. "Are you sure? She sounded serious" blue said. "That's what you told me the 50th time" panda glared. "I guess" blue said.

"But, does it hurt to see if it's true?" Blue asked. "Yes, she is just playing that 'the boy who cried wolf' shit" panda said. Blue stood quite and sighs. "The note is there if you want it" blue said and looked at the TV again. "Yeeeea I don't think so" panda said and looked thru the fridge.

'Something bad is gonna happen...I could feel it' blue said in her head. "Hope she's okay" blue whispered.


Hours past slowly and fox was turning a little pink. Her clothes are frozen and she is shaking like crazy. Her teeth chatter and she is trying to keep warm. "She's probably walking slow, ill wait a little more" Fox whispered.


Blue looked at the clock. "12:08" she whispered. "Panda!" She called out. "What?" She yelled. "Fox isn't home yet!" Blue said. "She's probably hiding in her room" panda said annoyed. "Panda-"

"Im not looking for her! I'm done with her pranks!" Panda snapped. "Come on you know how she is, she likes to have fun"

"I don't like that type of fun" panda said. "She left home at 5:30, it's 12:18 now!" Blue snapped. "Stop yelling blue, anger is not good for the body-"

"I care less about that right now, you need to find fox, NOW!" Blue yelled. "Why should i?" Panda snapped. "She likes you dammit! She left you waiting like an idiot cause she is scared of telling you how she felt!" Blue growled. Pandas eyes widen and she stood quite. "Find. Her." Blue snapped. Panda runs upstairs and puts on her jackets on. Ones she was done she walks back down. "Is snowing...." blue whispered. "I'll go look for her in her house" panda said. "I'll wait here if she ever comes back" blue said. "Alright" panda said  she graved a scarf and puts on her grooves.


Fox heart beat slows down and she breathes slowly. "C-c-c-cold..." she whispered. Her eye leads are half open and her lips where purple. Her body was pale and she trembles slowly. "She'll....she'll come" Fox whispered.


"FOX OPEN THE DOOR!" panda yelled. No answer. Panda climbs thru the window and looks for fox. She searched the hole house and found nothing. "Is she at the park?" Panda said in a trembling voice. "Oh god" panda ran out of the house and ran towards the park. "Fox!" She yelled. Ones she saw a familiar orange jacket she ran towards it. "Fox!" Panda runs and sits down on the bench next to fox. "Fox, oh scared us....what are you doing out at this time of the night come on- fox? Fox?" Panda saw her friend sitting there motionless. "Fox?" She repeated again. "Fox, T-this isn't funny" panda said. She shook her friend and saw the snow piled up on her shoulders and head fall down her sides and lap. Her hand touches her friends skin and she gasped. Her skin is hard and cold. "Fox?" She asked. Her voice cracking as she realized that her friend was frozen. "She....she death..." she whispered. Panda cries in horror and hugs the frozen body.

"Fox....come back....I never told you how much I love you....I love you with all my heart and soul and I made the worst mistake of my life..." panda cried. "I love you..." panda said as she cried. She puts the scarf around the frozen body and she pulled her globes off and puts them on her frozen fingers. Hoping, it would help get her friend back.

She looked to the side and saw a note next to her. She graved it and read the cold paper.

Dear panda,

      I'm not good with this writing thing but I wanted to tell you how much I like you, I have the biggest crush on you and I finally got the courage to tell you....on a piece of paper but you know it still counts, I'm still telling you! :3 anyways I wanted to tell you how much you mean to me and how much I love you I'm sorry for all the times I made you wait in different places but I just backed out like a chicken.....I know it's dumb but you know I couldn't do it, I finally got to do it another way thanks to Blue's suggestion....I guess, anyways I hope you feel the same way yes I do love fox! :3

Panda looked up at the girl and saw fox smiling at her. "Y-you made it...."

Panda quickly pulled off her jacket and puts it on Fox. "I love you fox" panda said. "Me too...." Fox said. Panda slowly leaned in and connected there lips. Her warm lips touched the frozen ones. They kissed and fox pulled away. Her cheeks tinted a pinkish color.

"Im glad you came"

"Im glad I did too...." panda whispered and connected there lips again.


A/n Sorry it came out kinda sad but hey! It hit a happy ending. Anyways hope you enjoyed and I'll talk to you later

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