You'll Be Safe With....(h2oVanoss)

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The sharp inhales and quick exhales echoed the lonely streets. The killer was here, and he was here to murder everyone. Dead bodies lay on the ground and painful cries bounced in there ears. The air was intoxicated with blood and the smell of death. Death was closing up on you, weather you like it or not. Fear, the last emotion you feel when someone kills you. The determination and the hope of living was just not enough. Pushing yourself to the limit, just to stay alive and to see another day in your life. Desperate to be able to survive was just painful, physically and mentally.

Evan runs for his life. The last one surviving from the hole town. His lungs burning and his heart beat was audible even for him to hear. His legs where getting weak. He can't run any longer. His eyes are looking for a place to hide, but he knows it won't help cause no matter how many times he hides, delirious was always there. His calmed ocean eyes became an insane royal blue. He was far from gone. Jonathan was gone, just like his friends and family.

Delirious had blood splattered all over his body, the blood was far beyond dry. Delirious finally finds evan running. He runs after him and tackles vanoss into the ground and laughs. Vanoss pushes him off but before he could take off, delirious shoved his knife into Evan's leg and drags it down. Evan cries in pain and delirious laughs, rolling around in the floor.

Evan kept running though. He wasn't gonna die, not today.

"Im telling you, you'll be safe with ME"

Delirious gets up and walks towards evan. Tears streamed down vanoss' face knowing he lost already. Vanoss falls to the floor and quickly turns his body to face delirious. Vanoss crawls away slowly still keeping his eyes on the crazy murderer.

"Evan" Delirious said.

Evan shutters and he sobs. The pain was just to much. Evan stops crawling away and trembles in fear. "Don't be afraid, I can keep you warm" Delirious whispered. Evan tries to show no fear and tries to be brave, but fails miserably. A tear falls down his cheek. Chills ran down his spine as he saw delirious sit next to him. Delirious dropped his knife making vanoss flinch. Delirious looked at vanoss and evan froze.


".....It's me evan...."

Vanoss doesn't say anything and delirious turns away. "The rest of my friends, I left them behind"

Vanoss eyes shake in panic and horror. "My knife may be sharp, and I've been raised to kill....but the tought of fresh's making me ill"

Delirious turns around and smiled. "So I'm telling you....that you'll be safe with....."

Vanoss then recognized the look in his eyes. The insane laugh replays on his head. Evan tries to run but delirious graves evan by his shirt stopping him from moving. "DELIRIOUS!!!" Evan cries out, but it was too late. Delirious graves a hold of the knife on the floor and slides Evan's head. Delirious laughs and gets up. He holds onto Evan's face with both his hands and he kisses Evan's chopped still warm lips. "I win~" Delirious said and laughed again. His insane laugh echoed the now empty streets.

He puts his knife away and graves evan by his right hand and holds it with his left hand and holds onto Evan's head like a basketball with his right hand. The sun was setting down and thoes warm colors reflected into the insane male. The hole city empty. No soul was left. It was just him and Evan's dead body. It's just like delirious wanted things to go, perfect and quiet. The way things should go and the way things should be.

Delirious walks away from the city and vanoss body was dragged along behind him. Evans body was gonna walk right besides delirious. Be with him, every step of the way. Just like delirious dreamed of.

Delirious laughs ones again just so he can hearing his laugh echoe.


"Evan" Delirious whispered. He let's go of Evan's hand and the body drops. "It's cold out there" Delirious whispered as he looked at Evan's head. He gives it another peck and smiles. "Don't'll be safe with me"


A/N ;) (Sorry for any mistakes, I just wanted to upload this as fast as I could)

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