dead and gone (H2O Delirious)

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Warning lost of flash backs

"When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I tought as a child; but when I became a man, I pushes childish things away" -corinthians 13:11

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Delirious pov

A new day to someone is like starting fresh, but to me, its more of a im dying slowly type of day. I just can't go on like this. It's hard, life usually is, but damn, what did I do to deserve this type of treatment. I walk thru the streets and sigh. My feet hurt even burn from walking so long. My legs hurt and I had dark bags under my eyes.

Im just trying to find my way back, a place that I call home. I want to go home. My cheerful mood is dead. My energy was gone. I was empty, all I felt now was rage and sadness. I would say that 'the old me is gone'. I walk by and flashbacks would slowly creep up into my mind. I guess it's not that easy to escape from your past. I sigh and looked up at the sky. "Dead and gone"

Flash back

"Let's go delirious don't listen to them" CaRtOoNz said. My eye twitched as I heard three guys talk more shit. I made eye contact with them and they growled. I growled as well and swanged my fist to one of the three man standing. The two man graved me and kicked me. The dragged me and punched me; kicked me and even spit on me.They kicked me in the head and kicked my back they graved knifes and stabbed me. I saw cartoonz put down the phone and he ran to me. He punched two of the man but the third one graced a gun and shot my best friend. My eyes become heavy and I let darkness take me. They rush me into the hospital with a bad concussion my skill was cracked and my back was damaged I could of been in a coma or paralyzed; even dead.

End of flash back

I should be glad I was alive but I'm not. My best friend died just to try and help me. It was my fault he was killed, if I didn't swing at the man he would of been fine.

Flash back

Later after I recovered I went out and looked for them. you could see the rage in my eyes as I walked down the dark street. I found them laying on the floor talking I walked up to them and showed them a smirk. My teeth sharp and my eyes wide open. They looked at me strangely and told me to fuck of but I wasn't there to say hi I came by to kill them. I took out my gun and shot all of them in the head. Cops came by and graved my and took me into jail. I let it happened doe. I wasn't gonna argue.

End of flash Back

I sigh and wiped my eyes. The rain falling harshly on my body. My vision was fuzzy and the wind was blowing softly. I looked down and walked down the street. I saw a bunch of guys laughing and hugging each other. It made me crack out a smile and more tears fell down.


Ones I was in jail i sat there looking at the wall. I heard my door open but I didn't bother too look who it was. "So this is my new roommate~ names vanoss"

"Delirious" was all I said. "Nice"

Time flew by and I met more people in that place. I met his gang that I slowly became friends with. They told me we where gonna escape and if I wanted to come along. I smiled and nodded.

The day came and we got out of jail. Somehow we made it to the city and that's when things went down hill. Cops came by and remembered who we where. All my friends died exept for me. Vanoss had saved me by pushing me put of the window and me falling into the ditch.

End of flash back

I again survived everything but the people I grow close to always get taken away. I sigh feeling horrible that I'm still alive. I walked and saw that I was getting close to my destination. I bought some flowers and walked into the place. San Antonio grave yard. I walked and saw all my friends including my parents in the same lane. The rain pours and so do I. Falling into the floor and cried. I placed the flowers on each and one of the Graves and walked out of there saying my goodbye's again. I turn my head to the left and saw no one by my side. I turn my head to the right and no one was in sight, I turn it to the left nothing ones again. I look straight ahead and I see a light. I looked again to the sides and saw darkness, it was either me getting stuck in the past or go on with my life and look for a future. I looked back ones again and see all the people I care about smiling.

"Move on" they said in union. They gave a big smile and thumbs up. For ones, I smiled ones again. I turned around and walked ahead. I heard cheering and laughs. I smiled knowing that they where happy for completing there life and they want me to finish mine.

"Dead and gone" I said ones again and walked towards the light. "A knew future is ahead of me"

A/n Did I do good? Hope you liked it

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