The danger behind close walls (H2oVanoss)

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Warning: triggering events, depression, suicide and much more.

If your sensitive to this...please, don't read....


The door slams shut and the male throws himself into the bed with teary eyes.

He sobs for hours and the rage that boil deep in his mind, soul and heart erupted. He picks himself up and his weak body does his best to head to the restroom inside his room. He walks towards the sink and opened a cabinet and searched for his pal, the knife. He feels the sharp cold blade and pulls it out. He turns it to the side and sees a name carved into the side of it, Evan, it said and all Jonathan could think of at the moment was, "Im sorry....this is why I can't keep promises..."

Jonathan starts putting pressure on the blade and sinks it deeper into his arms and legs. Doing shapes and writing words like, "save me" or "make it stop".

The sad truth of being alone, or the feeling of feeling alone, even though you know they're there but you just feel like there ghost. The way your heart hurts of how hard you've been crying and how harsh you've been breathing. The way the life drains out of your eyes and face, how you can still can hear the voices in your head.

All of the sudden everything stops and then you hear screaming, the doors are shattering for you and the whole world is falling apart. All you can think of is "How to make it stop" when you know you can because the anxiety is kicking in and your just having small strokes.

Jonathan gets up with shaky legs and walks away. Loving the way he can see small blood bubbles form in the bleeding cuts. The way the Crimson red colored dripped down.

Today was the day....

He had enough....

Of everything.

He could feel the pain slowly fade away as his body grows cold.

He turns on the Camara on his phone and hits the red button to start recording his death.

"Hey Evan....I'm....I'm so so sorry, for failing to keep the promise of cutting...I just....I couldn't take it, it was all too much..." He said and he slowly shows the Camera his disaster. His legs covered in blood completely and so were his arms.

"What made me deside this? The way they screamed at me, they hate me everything and everyone hates me!" He paused to breathe and continued to cry harder. "You said just be myself but I don't like who "myself" is! His a disaster and a complete mess"

Jonathan cries harder and let's the camera slide down a bit to his neck and the bruises forming there.

"Im sick of hidding....and sick of leaving....I'm sorry I'm putting everything on you but I really's better like'll forget me after a while and by the time I send'm probably gonna be before I go I need to tell you how great of a friend you were and how much.....I love much you made me fall in love with you....and your just amazing in every made my life great and I'll hold on to does memories. Until I can't hold on anymore, I'll drag does memories with me to the afterlife and I'll be watching over protect you and...God fuckin dammit Evan I love you....I love you I love you, I LOVE YOU!" Jonathan screamed and he falls to he floor he chuckles weakly and sighs, "Good bye...pardner" Jonathan whispered and send the video to the guy.

He holds onto his phone for dear life as he feels his whole body going numb. "Im scared...." He whispered.

"Im scared but everything will be over soon" Jonathan finished and he hears a ding coming from his phone. "Thank you...." Jonathan said slowly and closes his eyes. "Im tired...."


Evan runs outside after he saw Jonathan cry in the video, he called the police after a few seconds later and his heading toward Jonathan's house. He slams his fist into the door as soon as he got there and then one of Jonathan's parents opened the door. "Evan? What?-"

"Move! Your son is in danger!" Evan yelled as he runs past them, the dad runs behind him and then evan brakes the door down and sees the poodle of blood surrounding the cold pale gray coloured body. "JONATHAN!" Evan screamed and throws himself at the cold body. The dad stands there in shock and just watches his son get carried by medics.


Jonathan didn't make it and die and left the depression behind on both parents and Evan. They both cry everyday for the person they have lost and regret not stopping him before this happened.

"Im so sorry this had to happen to you Jonathan but....don't worry partner, no one will take your my heart and in my life....we will die next to each other....and find each other in the afterlife..." Evan's whispered to the dusty tombstone. "You will be missed"


A/n Short whatever, I'm's been rough and just so you know, if anyone is going thru some depression or suicidal stuff please reach out for help. Someone is down to help you and so I'm i, pass the love and tell people you appreciate them, even if there stangers cause you don't know what they live say or be nice, take care of each other...and I love you all!


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