Be Mine (septicnoss)

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A/n back at it again with a new rare pair ^^

"Fockin' Markiplier...who even likes that guy! Nobody likes that guy! No one! No one likes him...." The crystal eyes quiver and he sobs slightly as he looks at his feet. "Who I'm I kidding...I do..." He softly whispered and the grey clouds cover the sky.

The rain pours down and the poor male cries with a shattered heart.

"Jonathan? What the hell are you doing?" A voice said.

Sean picks himself up from the ground and clears his face as he puts his back on the wall.

"Oh shit, well just let you know I'm all over that, and I won't let you pay for my ticket, I know I'm your second best man but I think I can pay for my own ticket- oh, you idiot! You know what I'll call you later.....don't burn down the house please..... alright bye.... bye"

Sean was about to leave after he heard all of that conversation but he bumps into someone before he could get away. "Oh sorry man-..."

Sean looks up to see a worried Asian. The warm color eyes reminded him of a certain man. He stares very deeply into his eyes and fresh warm tears stream down his icy blue colored eyes.

The Canasian stands there confused but he awkwardly shifts around and takes out a handkerchief and cleans the guys cheeks. "Are you okay?" The slightly taller male asked and Sean just nods. He laughs a bit before clearing his voice and giving the male a heartwarming smile. "Haha, sorry, yea I'm fine..." Sean whispered and the man looks to the side to see more rain pour down, " you need a ride anywhere? Wouldn't want you to get sick..." The Canasian said and Sean thinks for a few seconds before nodding. "Uh...Yeh, if it isn't too much"  Sean said and the Canadian male shakes his head, "not at all bro. Here hold the umbrella, I'll give you this to cover yourself" the man said and Sean just watches, his shattered heart slowly beating as he watches the man take off his jacket to wrap it around him.

"Im Evan by the way...." Evan said softly with a soft pink shade of blush covering his cheeks. "Sean...or Jack, either one is fine..." Sean said and Evan nods. "Im assuming Sean is your name?" Evan asked and Sean nods, "Yeh, that's me"

"Well, uh....where too?" Evan asked as he takes the umbrella away from Sean's hands. "Uh..." He thinks slowly and then sneezes, "Excuse me-"

"Bless you....uh can come with me if you'd like" Evan said, shyly looking down to the sides and Sean smiles, "Yea, that would be nice, thank you" Sean said and Evan motions Sean to move so they can get into the car.

-4 hours later

"Hey don't need to tell me or anything but...uh, why where you crying?" Evan asked as he watches Sean dry his green colored hair with a blow dryer. "Well, it was more of a thing where me and my friend, had a fight. We yelled at each other and we started pointing fingers, we wanted to rip each others faces off and haha...he said he hated me and kicked me out of his house...." Sean paused and turns off the blow dryer before turning to look at Evan.

"Maybe not a big deal but...I liked him, it's just everything feels wrong...and I saw a totally new side of him..." Sean said, "he was something big to me....and everyone kinda pushed all of this things to us...his pressured....but...he hurt me...and I hate him for destroying my heart..." Sean said and looks away as he hugs himself. Evan looked down and frowns, "Sorry that this happened....and seem so could he possibly do that to you?"

"Im just as bad as he is...we get louder and we want to be things get rough"

Evan hums and tries his best to comfort Sean to the best of his abilities, without letting his awkward self mess things up.

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