Hocus Pocus (h2oVanoss)

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"There was a tale, where a psychopath lived in the abandon house. His beauty blinded his flaws. The story goes that they involved him in the murder trial for a guy named luke who had killed his boyfriend in cold blood, after falling in love with the crazy man, delirious. Luke was put in jail and after a few weeks, he committed suicide. Delirious isolated himself from the world after he heard that luke was dead. He never went outside and he stayed crazy in the dark" Tyler said. "Let's see what's inside that old house" vanoss said.

Ones delirious landed his lifeless eyes on vanoss, he was determined to make him his.

Vanoss climbs inside thru the window and Tyler gets in right after. I giggle was hear and they turn there heads towards the stairs. Ones they saw who it was there jaws dropped, they heard he was beautiful, but he gave beauty a whole 'nother meaning. Delirious and vanoss lock eyes and vanoss felt like he just met an angel, making him instantly fall in love with the stranger. Tyler was astonished but knew the there was a lie in that pretty face. "Vanoss, careful..." Tyler whispered. Vanoss ignored Tyler and took a step forward. The silky robe delirious was wearing slides down to his shoulder and he winked.

"Look into my eyes~" Delirious whispered. Vanoss nods and stares deep down into them. "Evan, let's go"

"I don't think so~ ones your in here there's no way out...." Delirious whispered. "Evan!" Tyler shakes vanoss but there was no point of doing so because he went into a deep trance. He pulls vanoss but he wouldn't budge, they where doomed. Tyler turns around to jump of the window but delirious snaps his fingers making the widows shut tight.

Tyler turns around and saw delirious walking towards them. "EVAN!" Tyler yelled. Delirious passes by vanoss and takes out a knife. "Don't worry, this won't hurt.....much~" Delirious said as he charges towards Tyler. Tyler didn't have time to react, before he knew it he had a knife shoved into his side. Tyler screams in pain making vanoss snap out of his trance. Vanoss turns around and sees Tyler laying on the ground with a puddle of blood surrounding his body. Tyler looks at evan and whispered weakly.


Vanoss didn't hesitate to run, but as he ran he went deeper and deeper into delirious trap.

Hocus pocus

"Don't run my love~" Delirious whispered. Vanoss ignored the man and runs into a room. To his luck, it wasn't just a regular room, it was delirious room. The door behind evan slowly closes and evan slowly turns around. He sees delirious standing right there with a bloody knife and bloody hands. A creepy smile formed in his lips making vanoss shutter.

Delirious jumps onto evan making evan gasp and fall back into the bed. Delirious giggles and runs a finger in his plump lips. Delirious leans in and kissed vanoss. The metallic flavor covering his mouth makes him gag and he pushed delirious away and spits the blood out. Delirious hated getting rejected and what evan did now pissed him off. Delirious shoves vanoss back into bed and gets onto of him, sitting on his stomach and he growls.

"P-please" vanoss whispered. "No, don't do that, it doesn't suit a guy like you to beg~"

"But bad boys like you should get punished"

Delirious brings his knife closer to vanoss shoulder and shoved it on slowly. Evan cried out but didn't budge. His body was paralysed. "I love you....tell me you love me too" Delirious whispered. Vanoss looks onto delirious glowing blue eyes and nods without thinking "I love you"

Delirious smiled again and laughs. "Be just like me....we will live happily ever after...I promise~" Delirious said. Vanoss closes his eyes and delirious smirked. "You'll die and you'll reborn and come back....to me"

"Die!!" Delirious yelled as he stabbed vanoss in the chest multiple times.


Delirious sits on the bed alone a his eyes glowed. The door opens and delirious smiled. "Your back" Delirious whispered. "I said I was gonna be back~" vanoss whispered. His eyes glowed, a golden honey color. Delirious notice that and smiles. "Your in my control, your mine and mine forever...."

Vanoss walks closer and kneels down infront of delirious. "Of cores, my heart belongs to you, do what ever you please with it"


a/n: uuhh....what the fuck was I thinking? Okay, what ever it was, I felt like it could of been better but I'm super tired so I'm not even gonna bother, tell me what you thinking of....whatever the hell is wrote down in the comments below! also tell me what do you think of male prego thingy....I may or may post one in this book, If you want it, tell me in the comments

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