Running After Love Ch19 (Sequel to Only One Beatufiul Girl but 5 Beautiful Guys)

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Chapter 19

Lyle continued to eye me with his black eyes. His arms were snaked around his waist, connecting together against his rear.

"Lyle, what happened?" I whispered.

Something about him was coarse. Peculiar. His posture was beastly, as he hunched over revealing his shoulder bones to be higher then his head. His ramble was eccentric, and his facial expression utterly unattractive.

"What do you mean 'What happened?" he continued. "I'm here, aren't I?"

"Yes, I know that. But where ARE we?"

His foots stopped in there tracks, as he continued to stare at me.

"There's something I've been meaning to tell you, Hayden," he trailed on. "Well, I'm not exactly ruler of the Underworld." I shrugged not really caring, but I'd like to know where this is going. "I'm ruler of Shadow Region. Brother of Pareil. Leader of the Visceras counsel. Unlike him, I am not exactly what you would call...conventional." I nodded letting him know I'm following on. "Hayden, I don't love you. Matter of fact. I don't exactly care for you either," he said.

I didn't believe him.

"You. Are. Lying," I said.

I was provoking him, and I knew it.

"Hayden. You're so damn naïve, especially that you are precocious. What did you expect, for me to be the son of Death, and not even be slightly obscene or deceptive?" Exactly. I should've known, but I was to involved in all of us to actually see through him.

"Well, what HAVE you lied to me about?" I said stepping closer.

It's not like I was afraid. He'd never hurt me before.

"What are you? BLIND?" he huffed. "Let's start with your death. Did you really think Kate had all of that power to actually Kill you? It was me! I killed YOU! My mother had put me up to it, forcing me to marry you, to meet you matter of fact. But that's not my point. After your death, days later Athan, Roe, Luke, and Louie were killed. By me. I killed them. One by one. Each trying to fight, to kill me?!" he scoffed. "Never."

I took steps back. I couldn't believe this, but I could. The look in his eyes were sinful and wrong.

"Why?" I whispered.

"WHY?!?! Because I had to put up with you! My mother had to lie to you, to get you to fall in love with me?! And what? Huhn? You think Bian would actually HURT you! Do all of those vile, disgusting things. Please. It was me, me the whole time. I'm the one who slapped Kate across the face, and showed anger. Not him. His conscious was deep into his head while I took over. His thoughts were mine, but I couldn't over do his words. And the best part of it all is that you believe every, single, solitary lie. All of it. Your absurd, gullible little gi-"

I cut him off with a shock up lightning. The bolt was electric blue, with a hue of red from his blood being poured out of his body. Anger was built up into me, while I killed him. I wanted him to be dead.

Before I COULD kill him, my arms were snatched behind my back, while someone arched their knee into my back.

"Lock..herr..up," Lyle said weakly.

"I hate you you mother fu-"

A piece of tissue and barb wire was put into my mouth, causing me to shriek. The sharp edges cut up my mouth as the guards literally dragged me down the steep steps.

Bian...Bian wasn't lying.

3rd P.O.V

Rail's eyes blazed at the sight of the raven mocker. She despised them with a passion, but now was not the time to worry.

"W- where did she go?" Arella whispered.

Rail's fingers throbbed. She felt the attachment.

"Does she have an attatchement with anyone in this school?" Rail questioned.

Arella panicked, while Caden and Ray stood there in shock.

"Umm".. Arella rested her palm on her forehead, trying to think. "the only person I could think of is Bian," she finished.

Rail nodded, asking her to lead the way. And she did. They ran leaving Caden and Ray there. They were panicking.

They burst throw the doors of the science classroom, coming to see an unconscious Bian.

"That's him."

Rail walked up to him, raising his head up from the desk, while his back rested against the chair.

She took her pointer and middle finger and swooped them below Bian's eyes, making them slightly open to reveal a dark gray color.

"Shadow Region..." she trailed on. "We need a Visceras vampire or else we can't save him from dying," she spoke.

"What do you mean SAVE HIM?! He's Hayden's worst enemy!"

Rail did not like the sound of arguing and protesting.

She whirled around to meet an angry Arella.

"Observe, you human. You WILL listen to me. I know what the hell I'm doing, so you'll do what I say or I'll kill you. Do you understand?"

Arella let her eyes ogle on hers before answering.

"Yeah. Uh Huhn. Sure." She turned back to see Bian's body color getting paler. "But why do we need to save him?"

"This is your last question. And we need to save him because if we don't...bad things will happen, and we'd have to do it, especially since we'd need a Visceras vampire here anyway. It's part of the Ignis Fatuus prescripts."

"Bad things..."

Rail turned to Arella and started to explain. "Hayden might not know what she is, but I do. And she isn't an angel. Hayden is a spark. And sparks belong between Ignis Fatuus Confederacy and the real human world, built by nature itself. Part of Bian is nature spirit. It's obvious they were destined to be together. This usually happens a lot, and if there connection is potent then, as I said before, bad things will happen."

Arella instantly knew what this meant.

"If he dies, she will to won't she?"


* Come on people! It's Tom Welling! =]. And comment and vote plezz.=]

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