(oo4) I'm the LAME girl. Murdered. then some sexy guy saves me and i go out for revenge!:)

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Chapter 4: Come Around


His eyes were so wide, I could fit my head in one end and out the other, but I knew his brain was on overload.

Unfortunately, Alek here must have been reading my mind because my arms were instantly locked behind my back by his robust grip.

"Let me handle this!" I said, as Ron went and ran the other way. Using my super strength, I broke out of his imprisonment and ran down the corridor using the speed I was given along with the strength.

That didn't give me the best coordination though! I kept running into some people and they went flying through the walls, but I knew I was getting closer to killing him.

"Haven!" Alek yelled behind me.

I just kept going until Ron made his way into the boiler room under the gym. He bolted the metal door behind him, and I was stuck on the other side.


My fist rammed on the door until it made dents. I ran back a few steps and hauled the door down, but why was this metal so strong? Beats me.

I peered around the room, and was walking back and forth down the hallways that lead to different paths just to give him a scare.

"Come out, come out wherever-"

My words cut off because of a red droplet that his my nose.

"What the-"

"HAVEN! WATCH OUT!" Alek grabbed me swiftly as we both flew to the other side of the room and hit the wall with a loud THUD.

Regaining my eyesight, I looked up at the ceiling and caught a hold of something that freaked me out the most.

Some mutant type animal dog looking thing had nailed Ron...well...Ron's body to it and it fed of it's organs like a cannibal.


When it caught me looking at it with it's yellow eyes, it began to laugh hysterically. I can't believe how human is looks. But it's a dog to! It's ugly ears, and it's black snout were highly unattractive.

"A Hellhound," Alek shouted, before covering my eyes with the palm of his hand. Then, everything went black and I could no longer see what was happening.


"Wake up!" Benjamin's voice shouted through my darkness. U powerful slap collided with my face and I couldn't help but pop my eyes open.

"Fuckin' bitch!"

Benjamin cooed.

"Layoff the spinage, honey bunch. You and your rock hard face need to get somewhere with that shit."

I smiled, and looked around.

My back was placed on a black plush carpet and golden sinks were places a few spaces in front of me. Then on the wall all the way on the other side, were shelves of books.

"Where the hell am I?"

Alek strutted his sexy self into the room without his shirt on and I giggled inside. Except he was all bloody, because....because of that stupid hell hound!

"Your in Ingress 39, a portable portal. We located it in the storage room in one of the hallways."

Benjamin laughed as though it seemed as a smart thing to do.

"It's not like humans can see it, and neither can any mythical creatures unless I give them a key!"

Well, I guess that makes sense.

Like everyone other high school nightmare the bell rung and it was time for class to begin.

"What the-"

"Good morning class."

Wait...what? Wasn't I just at 39 not to long ago? Was it...

Alek patted me on the back and put a finger on my lips, probably because of all the noise I was making. But I didn't care, I moved his finger away and drowned out the voice of the teacher who already was beginning to get on my nerves.


First, I'm chasing after Ron; then, Ron's hiding and then he's killed by a....a what did they say again? I couldn't put my finger on it, but whatever it was. I'm going to make sure I figure out.

**sorry it's so short. I'm punished and I have to make it quick before my mom gets home!**

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