(Ch2) My smartmouth got me a new job as a servant for the prince! WHOOPDEEDO!

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Chapter 2 - The Manor

"You've got to be kidding me!" Case shouted, as him my mom and dad stood in the threshold of my room. Principal Hemard had ordered me home to pack and get ready to be the servant for their home, and by the rules and regulations they had the right to take away my mind-reading ability. Of course, Case tried to object but it was no use.

Not to mention, Drew and Helga got to pick their soulmate and unlucky for me I have to be there to witness the whole entire thing. Helga ended up picking a boy named Rob Willingstead, an immortal that's been known something as a 'twink' but one of the nicest boys around. Drew picked Kelsey Riley, a serpent that's beauty is the full limit, and luckily for me she doesn't even know who I am.

While I continued to pack my things, my mom and dad began to speak.

"Why did you have to do this?" my mom said. "Why couldn't you just respect them like we taught you?"

I sighed heavily, zipping up my suitcase and heaving it onto the ground so that it was able to roll. Case stared at me cynically.

"You know that your lifespan is shorter than any other creature," my dad reminded me, "so I hope you take this time to learn wisely."

My father was never the one to personally understand a profound situation, so I just nodded, as Case and I ambled down the steps and into the living room. He stood in front of me and kissed me fully on the lips. I swung my arms around his neck to deepen it, to almost make the feeling linger there knowing that it'll be long until I feel them again.

He ended up breaking it, setting me down on the ground in my individual misery.

"Please don't die on me," he said. "I love you, and I promise I'll get you out of that hellhole." His voice was threatening and scratchy, as tears appeared in his eyes and were suddenly gone.

"I promise I won't die."

He leaned into me one more time before the door burst open to my house. King Andrew stood there, his white hair hanging down to his shoulders, and his posture hunched over like the Hunchback of Notre Dame.

Case glared at him, as I let go of his hands. My mom and dad came running down the stairs and hugged me for the last time. And honestly, I didn't know if I was going to die, but I was hoping I get to see one of their faces before I do.

"I love you," I said, referring to my parents.

The embrace was short, and the vision of my life was to. All of it went, died, and goodbyed as I was shoved into the back seat of a limo, and was sent off to a prison.


The drive was long and boring, as the King gawked at me in the corner of his eye every now-and-then. And it was extremely annoying.

Once we pulled up to the house, I began to notice it was on top of a mountain. It overlooked the woods and the small towns of Tennessee, but my stomach churned in disagreement with my thoughts.

"Get inside and go to Kaya, she'll be waiting for you," The King said.

I hugged my arms to my chest as I peered at the great white mansion in front of me. The balcony circled the white brick on the second story, and four huge columns surrounded me with glares.

I finally was able to let myself in, feeling relief as it was warmer in here and the snow remains outside.

A girl with long curly red hair stared back at me with red eyes, who I was guessing Kaya. Her slender body was covered with a French maid uniform, and I couldn't help but notice she didn't look happy at all.

"You must be Razy."

"Romy," I corrected.

She chuckled lacking humor, and signaled me to the nearest room to the left which happened to be the kitchen. Kaya sat in a high chair by the bar and patted the seat next to her for me. She started to talk about all the shit that happens around here, and how the prince loves to looks at her and Helga resents her more than anything. Kaya also gave me a map of which rooms I have to clean, and when Drew calls for me I have to appear at his side no matter what, and if I don't I'll be thrown in the prison on the highest story in the house.

When she finished her directions, I was shown to a small room with an afghan for the cover, and a mattress in the center of the floor.

"Here's your uniform."

Kaya shoved the neatly folded clothes into me and closed the door for me to get dressed. I did so, and began to go to the first room labeled "1"

I exited my room, and walked down the corridor of the manor.

"Ey smartmouth," I heard. Knowing that's not my name, I continued to walk down the hallway and into a bathroom that was dirtier then my whole entire house.

"Romy Vanderbell!" the voice boomed again, and this time I turned around to see Drew. He stood on the outside of the door with his arms crossed and his mouth tilted up in a smirk.

I looked up at him, and then down at the bathtub and sprinkled the Comet inside.

"Hey Drew," a girl voice sounded.

Kelsy's lean body stood respectfully next to Drew, as she smiled brilliantly and with care. Hm, that's the first. Drew beamed at her, as she looked at me and frowned.

"Do you need some help?" Kelsey offered, coming closer to the bathroom.

"No, she doesn't need any help. She's a maid."

Kelsy shrugged and grabbed the Windex of the counter and sprayed the huge mirror. Turning around I turned the water on and scrubbed the tub of all its spots and smiled to myself quietly. Drew huffed, walking away from the door and into the manor to who-knows where.

"I don't like him at all," she spoke a few minutes later.

I rose from off of my knees and stared at her.

"Why not? I thought you agreed to marry him?"

Kelsy stopped cleaning the mirror, and took a deep breath. She shook her head showing that it wasn't what she planned. I rested my hand on my hip waiting for an explanation.

"My mother wants me to be in the royal family, but it wasn't really my decision."

I nodded slowly, indicating I understood where she was going with this topic. My parents had also made me learn the definitions of 'courtesy' and 'precise' knowing that I'd grow up to that, but for some reason when it came to this day I just had to do something about that shenanigans.

Later that evening when I was done cleaning my rooms, Drew called me over to his domain. Opening his door, and looking over to him I was shocked. He stood fully naked by his best post, as my heart pulsed and I put my hand over my eyes to block that vision.

"No need to cover your eyes, you know?"

"But I want to. I'm not engaged to you, I don't have to look," I retorted.

He huffed, as I heard the springs on his bed bounce up and down.

"Come and join me."

I sighed and said, "Look, I know you're a bad boy or a player or whatever, but I don't want to have sex with you."

I shut the door, and went back to my old, dusty, room where I hope to stay away from him.

Vote and Comment I'd like it if I had a lot on this!

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