(Ch15*genuine*) I moved in with my rich best friend, and his sexy asshole friend lives next to us

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I sat in class with my book in front of my head while it rested on the desk. Yesterday was filled with a crisis I had to take care of personally between Eric and I, especially when I heard he took Maya back to his original mother. It upset me mentally, and I'm pretty sure at the moment physically. I could picture the dark bags under my eyes, but at least Tanner fixed it with some cheap mineral makeup we bought from Wal-Mart that surprisingly worked great.

My eyes felt itchy and disturbing which made me want to rub them hardly against my arm to cease the irritation, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. It's like lassitude wrapped it's cold arms around my neck and squeezed me of all my energy, and delirious bewilderment decided to burn in my brain at the moment. I rubbed my eyes and some of the light blue eye shadow Tanner had applied wiped off onto it. I sighed, and closed my eyes while the book continued to block my face.

I heard the low squeak of the rusty doors open, and footsteps make there way into the room.

"Alec Preston, I presume," Mr. Lock's voice spoke, loud and stern.

A few giggles resonated throughout the room, and into my earns making me press my hands to my ears. This was college, not high school where people still do that!

" Yes, sir. I'm sorry I'm late for class. I had something personal to take care of," he retorted shrewdly.

"I do not care about your pathetic vindications, nor do I have time to hear the shananagins. Take a seat and take out your book and turn to page 459."

"Yes sir!" Alec snapped, pretending to be a pupil at a military school. Who does he think he is to take to his elder that way? I lifted my head over my book, and peered at the boy. His black leather jacket rested lightly over his white tee shirt, and his skinny jeans matched the vans weighed heavily on his feet. His hair did that comb-and-swoop thing, as he jogged up the stairs after his mischievous performance.

"Do that again Mr. Preston, and I will not hesitate to kick you out of my class."

Mr. Preston did not reply back to his snappy come-back, but he did sit by the smartest girl in class and keep silent. I bet it was that flirt-and-cheat thing that guys did. You like them, you ask for an answer, don't get caught and everything goes the right way. It's mild logic, and you don't have to be exactly phrenic to figure that out.

When class ended, I had to wait for Tanner to finish his tranquil discussion with Mr. Lock. I rested apathetically against the door's threshold and waited for him to finish his creative argument so that I could leave to go home. Unfortunately, out of the corner of my eye I saw Alec staring at me as he made his way out the classroom. His bright gold eyes suddenly felt like they pocked a whole in my head.

A red head came back into the classroom and kissed him deeply on the lips, as I watched from the angle of my eye. I wasn't going to let him know I was analyzing him from afar, because I'm not all that curious.

Before Tanner was done with the teacher, Eric came into the classroom and threw my over her shoulder playfully, spinning me around as I laughed.

"He-..Alec?!?" he shouted in glee.

My head snapped up from this playful action, as I started at him in confusion. Suddenly, all hell broke loose and they recognized each other and started taking.

He set me down on the ground, as he walked over to him and gave him 'dap'. Alec stared at me as I walked over, and smiled spuriously.

After their conversation, Eric introduced me to Alec as his girlfriend. Spark, spark. That's what I seen in his eye when he heard that, but I said nothing and suddenly felt a huge ping of jealousy that I could be with Eric alone, but he's here. I sent him an ugly look, but I didn't think he noticed.

"Sounds like a handful," he said in his hoe-seducing voice that I rolled my eyes at.

He seemed like one of those boys who like a girl so much they'll do anything for them, but when they find out the girl likes them they feel like dumping them. It's a natural effect, actually.

After the talk, we parted ways and Eric and I went home.


I sat in the seat of my shaggy votes wagon, and rolled the windows up for the effect of tint. My phones rested into the crease of my two legs, as I pressed the answer button to Devlin to hear his voice in my Bluetooth.

"Hello?" I answered, searching for my school information papers. My hand cut badly on the broken flask class in my car as I cursed under my breath.

"Did you see her today?" Devlin asked in his professional detective voice. He once told me that he wanted to be the exact duplication of Shaft, which made my laugh my ass off. He sulked and folded his arms like a little baby after that, hilarious.

"Yeah, I saw her. She's hot," I said, adding the unnecessary comment.

"Don't fuck with her please. People are trying to kill her for crying out loud, and all you're worrying about is how she looks. How do you know she doesn't think your ugly?"


For a while, I couldn't even stop laughing. I was a very conceited person, because I mean, look at me! I'm the perfect guy in every way. Strong, athletic and a beautiful, flawless face. Besides, who wouldn't want to date me?

"Shut up, Marry-Anne never liked you," he said.

I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, that's because she's a lesbian," I added.

We continued to talk about the case much longer when I decided I needed a nap. I cleared the back parts of my seat by throwing all of the trash onto the car floor and plopping down on the not-so comfortable leather. My head rested against my old pillow, and I closed my eyes to go to sleep.

This was going to be an interesting case.

Are you happy? I wrote! Now, you can see the direction this story is going:))...well not really because welll...i wanna tell you so bad,,but...i know that you think it might be but...AH ill give you a hint..someone will.......umm yeah. BYE! comment vote:))

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