(Ch9)I fell from a tree while Spying on a Hot boy! GREAAT!

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It happened so fast before my eyes that I couldn't really ever contradict what was happening. It was the day after Syke's and our day and this is what happened so far


Syke and I were walking out of the Industrial Technology Zone when we were stopped by a boy. Well, when I say stopped I mean when he saw Syke he started to have a seizure, and when people think of seeing that they would be like wooow, but honestly it's the scariest thing I've ever seen.

"Call the ambulance!" I yelled, as Syke placed a spoon on his tongue to keep him from swallowing it, and did several procedures.

When someone told me someone cut the phone line, and there were no signals on cell phones, I started to cry. It wasn't that I was just scared for the boy, but I was just plain scared. My heart was beating so fast, that I think I was about to have a heart attack.

"Syke Montgomery, Nella Truemore," someone said randomly from the crowd.

Everybody turned around as Ashton Kutcher came from the crowd.

"You've just been Punk'd."

Everyone started to hyperventilate and brush their hair out their faces, and some just started laughing uncontrollably.

Me? Well, I passed out, and was awakened with a big bucket of ice-cold water being poured onto my face.

Ashton, Syke, and another guy stood over me.

"Are you okay?" Syke asked.

I nodded, as he helped me up off the ground.

After that, I went home and was greeted with a note from my mother, saying that she'd be out of town for two weeks, and loves me.

I took a deep breath and headed up stairs.

And now, its morning and I'm taking a walk thinking about everything. School, my relationship with Heath and with Syke, and a job. I needed a job, and a really good one at that. But, you know you are greeted with answers or signs and I think I've found mine.

It was the flyer that landed in my face that morning that read in big, bold letters:

The Beautiful Mind

Woman between 16-22 needed

Man between 16-20 needed

Woman between 35-50 needed

Man between 35-50 needed

Minor character also needed

Studio 30

117 Rosvale Ave.

Hollywood, CA

(that's not real)

I looked at it, and immediately smiled. This is what I needed. A little thrill and excitement in my life, something that will help me forget my worries.

This is defiantly a sign.

I scurried towards the nearby Starbucks and immediately ordered a caramel frap and sat down on the bench outside.

"....need a girl. One who's beautiful, nice figure. I like black hair, but we can always dye it....Wait, you have someone like that? ....No NOT Fiona!" the young man trailed on in his British accent. "I know you put the bloody fliers up, but we need one now! ...You put Studio 30 right, Rhett?"

Another signal, more and more.

It's like this was meant to be.

"Umm, excuse me?"

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