No Seriously...I'm Curious: thechemicalillusion

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Some of us loath it, some of us love it. It's all in the matter of your situation. This post is made for everyone.

Honestly, I was really thinking:

Are their weird things that other people do or other fun thing people do on Halloween?

Because really, this is a summary of my weekend-


49 Degrees Outside


With: Katie Kashmir Kashmir and Domingez

We are pulling up to Domingez's house, about to drop him home. Kashmir and I have to piss. We use hia bathroom. Go back downstairs and see his pool. Katie dares me to jump in, so I do.

I'm freezing my ass off in my clothes. Everyone else ends up getting in and we swim for an hour, ending up with bad colds



Dropped off from Katie's house and wrote story for yal. That day was for chillin


Pickes up at noon by Katie and Emily. Hung by Katie's house as her mom prepared food for Halloween Party. Got dressed, I was a bumblebee. :)). Kashmir and Chris came over and we went walking around our neighborhood. Saw my ex- that was weird

Endes up going down dark streets and cursed at a bunch of boys. Got dressed in shorts and a shirt in the freezing weather and went to go hang out with Thomas, William, Jake, Jena, Rachel, Haley and three other boys


Hung by Katie's house with Emily and Rachel

The end...i am tireeed.

But what did you do on Halloween? If u trick-or-treated then cool but if u did something cooler tell about it in the comment section!

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