(Ch4 Day8) I'm trapped in a a box with the biggest stupid-ass in the world!

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Ch4 Day 8

Knock Out

Time: 3:45 am


I hated this. I hated being in this place, knocked out not even knowing what's going on around me. Someone could be operating on me, and I couldn't even know it. But honestly, it's all in the matter as if you believe it. I didn't actually believe someone was hurting me -now, but I did believe someone was doing something with my body. For all I knew I could be dead, rotted, or even cremated by now, and my soul is just sort of lingering there.

Kevin candidly disappointed me with trust and loyalty, because I also believed we were in this together but it seemed like we're not. It's like I'm taking poison and wishing some else dies, but I can't help to resent him after his performance.

I don't think God made girls weaker then boys intentionally, but I'm sure he did it for just some type of impeccable reason. It seems as perhaps that I've grown a more ruthless side then before, because now I don't care if he dies, I don't care if they slaughter him alive, and I don't care if I have to do it myself. Dead or alive, I will kill him. Sure, I'm stuffing more gum in my mouth than I can chew but it's going to have to work some way or another.

I felt damp, at least my outsides did, but my insides felt like they were drowning in the Pacific Ocean.

"Wake up!" that much was imperative, but I didn't feel like commanding.

It wasn't Kevin's voice, thank God, but it was SixHundred's voice compressing its way through my ear and out the other.

"Fuck you," I murmured.

It was just too fast to visualize even if my eyes were closed. The soul of his shoe landed into my stomach, and his hands contracted themselves around my neck.

My eyes were still closed.

This was my game, not his. I don't break for anyone, and if he thinks I'm breaking for him then he's honestly mistaken. I don't care if he tried to cut my heart opened, or cut my head off, I refuse to make any gesture or sound as if I cared.

"Get the hell up, or you die."

"Oh please, kill me now. You act like I want to be in this position."

His hand gripped around my wrist, and he threw me against the concrete wall. My eyes opened a tad.

"I'll do it," he said, holding a knife to my neck, "I'll cut you opened like a lemon, so don't think I won't.

"Do it."

His light green eyes grew darker, and the neck plunged it's self on my skin, but not through it. I gave him more access to my neck, and stared up at the ceiling, as it got deeper and deeper.

"You're lucky," he said, "my knife isn't sharp enough to cut you up into pieces."

I nodded, and suppressed a laugh. He stood back up, and ambled into the darkness. Pangs of stings and pain lit through me like a bolt of lightning. How did they expect me to survive with no medical attention? I don't know. But I do know that I miss my family, and friends. I miss my mom and my dad, and my whole entire basketball team, and I missed Scott, the nerd who would always annoy me about homework, or if he wanted to do it for me. I missed all of that, and if I could sink myself through these walls, I'd do it in a heartbeat. Everyone grows older each day, whether it's a human or immortal. You might not grow old on the outside, but you do in the inside and no one can help it. That's how I feel right now, like my heart is growing old, and soon will shrivel up to brown, raison-like, dust ball.

I feel like I can't hold much longer.

Time: 9:34 am

I Don't Compromise.

In Catch-22 you always have to have a weapon, but in this case all I have are my fist, and they're not that powerful. I feel like there's an ulterior motive that I'm not supposed to know about, maybe something with SixHundred and Kevin, like some sort of sick, twisted amity between them, or maybe an affiliation. Affiliation; yes! In this quagmire, you have to balance yourself in between the foes, and look between the lines to see what you get. But until I can actually dig out dirt, I'm going to have to concentrate on my agility.

That's how I was thinking when I bandaged my wombs up with some gauze our Leader dropped us from the bassinet above - oh and some tape. Kevin stared at me a lot; his eye brows tight and arched with his eyes burning with aberration and his hand gripped tight on that pencil. The pencil and the notebook, that's what I needed. Why did he always have it? Was he planning some type of morbid scheme against me?

"What the hell are you staring at?" I spoke, pure spite dripping from my bottom lip. "I hate you, and if you can't see you've already damaged my body, then I'd appreciate if you keep your fucking glares to your fucking self."

His face expression lightened, as he dropped his pen and notepad on the side of him, plopping his arms around his knees.

"It's a consequential condition, Lacey," he said, his voice thick and raspy. "I had to do what I had to do."

I laughed bitterly, sending waves of rancor towards him. Blood was bleeding through the gauze on my face, and some was even dripping down on my hand.

I. Hate. Him.

"Consequential, eh? Does it look like I care if this is consequential or not? Remember this Kevin; this is not a game, but a test of perspicacity and proficiency, it's not all about durability, my foe," I proceeded. "No one said anything about keeping stipulations, but let me promise this," My voice was low, macabre and filled with such antipathy that it almost killed me to say it. "I will fight for life."

Everything stopped; the sound of the dripping water from the pipes, and the mice crawling into the corner, all hell broke loose.

"You're willing to fight me?" he spoke, rising from his pathetic little corner.

"Nope," I said. "I'm willing to kill you."


Comment and Vote! I thought I wouldn't have time to write, but I woke up and felt great. I have a lot of things to do today, but yal know I got out he way for ya! So let me go get write a few more chapters and I gotta go!!!


~N.M/ P.B

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