Running After Love Ch20 The End (Sequel to Only One Beatufiul Girl but 5 Beautiful Guys)

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Chapter 20


I don't know what to do. I'm honestly not even supposed to be here on Earth, not even supposed to communicate with one human being - but then again I did talk to Caden and Ray first.

But now I have to deal with this. I mean honestly this isn't my problem. I don't care about these people, but I have to admit, it does feel good helping people everyone once and a while.

"Arella, have you ever been to the Underworld with Hayden?" I asked.

Arella nodded slowly, picking her cuticles off of the corner of her nails, almost perfectly calm

"Yes I have. And even though I only met her family once, they seemed all the while awesome."

I nodded, leaning over the desk again.

Bian's eyes were getting darker every second.

"We have to go to Shadow Region, even if you won't like the ride," I added.

Arella looked up from her activity, and her eyes got big and wide. She jerked forward, like someone poked her in the back, and she reacted.


I went over to her, and grabbed her wrist, pulling her through the halls of this God forsaken place.

"Hold on tight," I said.

She clenched her hand into a fist, and closed her eyes shut - I guess waiting for the impact.

I moved my fist pack, adding more pressure every time I get closer. I punched the light yellow wall, and we quickly transported into the sky of the Shadow Region.

Shit, that hurt. I knew it was going to take energy away.

The sky was dark and looked like it only held the black and white effect, that are usually used to edit photography.

"It looks like a insipid fairytale," Arella said.

We continued to float through the air, searching for any sign of color.

The color from the human world.


If I could reattach my hand and my wrist for about one second, I'd be ecstatic. This some kind of metal was holding my wrist pretty tight to the wall, my rear rested on a stack of hay, and my feet spread out across from me.

It seems as this place has been used for an untamed animal. But the thing was - I'm not untamed!

I'm a regular...uhh...person?

"Hayden?" A voice asked.

I moved my neck forward as much as I could to see where the voice came from, but all I saw was a silhouette march in front of my cell.

"Who are you?"

"It's me! Arella?"

And she stepped through the cracks of the cell...but then again, it wasn't Arella.

It was the shadow of her, like it had slipped out of her body and came to help me.

"You're her shadow," I said in disbelief.

Although I could not see the expression on the shadow's face, I could swear if it was Arella, her eyes would've rolled.

"No shit Sherlock. Well, this is Shadow Region. And let me hurry and get you out of here."

The shadow stepped forward, working it's black hands through my cuffs. It slipped it's finger in the key hole and it unlocked swiftly. I gasped as my wrist were released. "Now while I'm doing this, I should explain..." she said. I nodded. "Well, when me and Rail were talking, she told me you were a spark. Not an angel, because I think you've already lost that privilege..." she trailed on. "But anyway, all we know is that you have to save Bian. The others are dead, and we can leave this place. We do-"

"No," No I said as it freed my other wrist.

The shadow's body movements told it all.

"What do you mean no? What? Do you have a death wish all of the sudden? Ugh. Listen Hayden, we are probably breaking the mofo'in Ignis Fatuus Prescripts, we are messing with the whole BlueBlood Constitution, and can we just follow at least one which is - Strife between one or another is prohibited! Can we just flee from here, and leave it alone. Let's follow the rules, Hayden!"

The shadow helped me up.

"And an other law from the Ignis Fatuus Prescripts is - One must defend self in battle for crucial acumen," I added brushing myself off. "I'm going to kill Lyle, and if you think I mean that in a lovey dovey way, then your honestly mistaken. I'm going to rip his head off and throw it in front of a herd of racing bull."

The shadow unlocked the cell door.

"Do you need help? You know, kicking ass?"

In all of the times to smile, I chose now. Why did I have a feeling Arella's shadow was way more determined then she would usually be in person?

"Can you take out the guards?" I asked. The shadow nodded it's head. "Then let's go."


Lyle sat up on his throne, while a dozen of Healers worked on the huge burn on his back. The most severe he had ever had at that.

"Ouch! FUCK! Can't you be a little more gentle!" he yelled.

They eased the pain.

Death entered the room, her abnormal feet sticking from the bottom of her dress, and her mole rising with her smirk. The splotches on her face were unusually dark today.

"Hello son! How did your wifey take the news?" she said, a staff appearing in her hand.

Lyle shrugged.

"I don't know. I don't care much either. Oh! How is the Armageddon coming along? Are we ready to end it, or what?"

Death shook her head.

"No son, not just yet. The Armageddon is soon to come."

Lyle's face had scrunched up as if it were a raisin.

"Why mother? WHY? We have all the worlds and kingdoms down here. We have the Otherside! We have the Shadow Region. We have the Underworld, and not to mention Heaven and hell!" he yelled. "Don't foget Prosperity Roe, The World of Brillance, and the Town of Suspora!"

"I'm sorry Lyle, but you've got to understa-"

Before she could finish, Death collapse onto the hard concrete of the floor.


Next were his Healers, falling one by one onto the ground. As if poison had been leashed into the room.

"What the-"

Hayden walked into the room, her power exposing onto her hand. The electric bolts were hovering over her palm, and a brilliance glow was illuminating off of her body. She looked like a god.

"GUARDS!" Lyle shouted.

No footsteps were heard, no moving guards.


"You sick prick," Hayden laughed, stepping forward. Lyle remained silence. "I'm not going to go through the dramatic act with you, I'm just gonna kill." And she lunged for him, letting her palms of power collide with his flesh. Lyle wrapped his hands around her throat, choking her as the pain was unbearable for him.

She was electrocuting with much power, and sooner or later his heart stopped beating, his body frozen in it's place, as Hayden fell from his arms.

She wrapped her hands around her neck, trying to regain her breath.

A sharp, oppressive ping hit her back. Blood splattered out of her mouth, and onto the floor.

She turned her head, and a tall, framed man stood over her. A smirk held onto his face.

"Good luck."

And that was the last words she heard before she died.

Yep - that's the end of the second book.

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