(Ch8)I fell from a tree while Spying on a Hot boy! GREAAT!

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Aren't you supposed to cry? Maybe even beg for someone to stay here with you and keep you comfort, and to hold your hands through two long months? But the thing is, I just didn't feel that way when Heath left. I felt like a huge weight was lifted off of my shoulders and I was free from prison. I know it's not supposed to feel like that but God damn! I mean, he really offered me to 'run away' to Spain with him! What would mom think? What would Syd think when she heard this? Pshhtf, she'd probably push me to go and say 'Hasta Lavista!'. For all I know, Heath could've dragged me by my ankles there and I wouldn't have any defense to spare. Now how does that make me look?

"Hey can I sit here?" a familiar voice questioned.

I looked from the salt shaker that I've been staring at for the past ten minutes and looked up at Syke. His hair hung ruggedly over his forehead, and his shirt clung tightly to his arms, complimenting his muscles.

"Hey Syke!" I exclaimed,

I slid out of the booth and brought him into a hug. You'd think he'd be hesitant, but he immediately wrapped his hands around my waist and squeezed lightly. After our hug we sat down and began talking about insignificant things. School - work. The conventional irrelevant stuff everyone talked about and it sure did feel nice. Not being forced to Spain feels wonderful!

"I'm glad you decided to leave me out of your window," he joked.

My eyes became wide, and I chocked on the Pumpkin cake I was currently nibbling on.

"I would never!" I spat.

He was about to respond, when a group of people came up to us.

"Hey Syke, we'll be going. If you need a ride just call the number," the guy known as Zac currently said, Vanessa hanging on his side. My jaw wanted to drop, but all I did was stare.

"Alright, bye."

He escorted them away with his waving hand, and Ashton winked at me from the corner of his eye. Hmph, he has the nerve especially when he had the courage to come up to Heath and I the other day.

"You KNOW them?" I asked in disbelief.

Syke shrugged, taking a sip from his coffee mug.

"I only know them because I'm friends with the non-famous one," he retorted.

I oohed as he continued to speak again. "What if I was famous, and you didn't know?" his eyes were filled with curiosity and worry.

"Well first I'd get your autograph and sell it on Ebay," I joked, "and I'd stalk you like a crazy person."

He laughed and crossed his hands in front of him.

"No really! What would you do?"

His face was sheathed in intent eagerness, and it burned my mind why someone would want to know this so badly.

"Well, honestly I'd treat you like a regular person. I mean, aren't we all? It would be silly to treat you like anyone else."

His eyes squinted like he was trying to figure something else in his view, but I stared him like a lunatic person and chuckled.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I questioned.

Syke smiled wryly.

"Have you heard of-"

"...my rear view mirror is the motherfuckin law. I got two choices, I pull over the car or hmm..."my phone rang. I dug it out of my pocket and pressed the talk button to Syd's call.

He smilied swiftly, and then it quickly faded.

"Heller my Purple Ninja Gangsta! What you doin?" I said.

"I'm at the music store, but I don't know what to buy!" she said.

"Bye Jay-z's Reasonable doubt from 1996! Duh, best album ever! Oh, I gotta go, I'm with a friend."

"If it's bad I'm going to hurt you! And okay. Bye Neon Green Ninja Gangsta!"

My finger pressed the red button, and I stuck it back into my pocket.

"You like Jay-Z???"


"You like Jay-Z???"

How could a girl like her like Jay-Z? It's unbelievable! I've met Jay-Z, because I got a hook up with someone who produced a song on his new song. Kenoe gave me some backstage passes to his concert in New York, and it was extremely intense. Everyone was there...Twista...Foxy Brown...BEYONCE! Gosh, it was great and he's very tranquil guy, especially since there were more then two thousand people in that stadium!

"Do I? Best artist ever. And to think the Black Album was supposed to be his last. Oh! Have you seen Fade to Black made in 04? That was the shit! I was jamin' to that," she said. "Do you know I've been to the concert and it was three hundred dollars just to get a seat all that way in the back? I could barely see him!"

I was about to add how I went, but I just nodded and we continued to talk about him and his success until I brought up another topic.

"Have you been to Industrial Science Zone?" I questioned which I highly regret. Why do I always have to bring out the nerd in me?

"Nope! What's that?"

"You can't laugh at me!" I said, rubbing my neck from embarrassment.

"Promise," she spoke, turning her face completely serious.

"It's a place where you can play video games and on the computer and a bunch of electronic gam- I know! It sounds really stupid," I said.

She smiled widely, which broke me into silence.

"I think I love you!" she said.

My mind went overdrive. Wait what?

"I love computers! I'm not to found of video games though. Do you want to go?" she asked

"Why of course!" I said in fake proper language.

She laughed, and we made our way out of the dinner.


"Haha! I know! Zac looked SO gay in Hairspray! I almost begged him not to do it!" Vanessa laughed, while Zac quietly sulked.

"I did not! It was just the dance moves!"

"Hey guys. You're watching Punk'd," the noise boomed from the plasma screen TV in Syke's apartment.

"Ohh! This ones going to be good! I heard he was doing Syke! This is going to be awesome!" I said.

Everyone turned to look at me.


Zac reached over in utter disbelief as well as Vanessa.

"He's with Nella you DUMB FUCK!" he exclaimed.


Zac reached to call Ashton to tell him to change the punker for that night, but no answer.

Oh, fuck.


I KNOW it's been a long time but geez. Don't rush me. dO. NOT EVEERRRRRRRRRRRRRR RUSH ME OR I SWEAR I WILL NEVER WRITE AGAIN!!!!

.....Okay...well just lettin u know that. Comment. Vote:)

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