[oo2]Your the sexy, luscious boy who sells drugs to my boss, and I'm the beck and call! Ugh!

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Chapter 2


When the glimpse of sunlight shown through my eyes I knew it was a new day. Sighing heavily in pleasure, I turned around and felt the occupied space next to me.


My eyes shot open and a pair of bright green eyes were staring back at me.

"What. The. Fuck," I whispered.

Then, everything rushed back into the center of my mind and I couldn't help but feel disrespected. I am a hoe, and a slut. Why me? What have I deserved for this? I don't even know this guys name.

"Hey Precious," the English-accent spoke. I gasped. That's a beautiful accent.

Oh who gives a flying shit!

"I'd appreciate if you'd remove your hand off my boob," I said.

After a light squeeze, he let go and moved closer to my body.

"No! No!" I repeated backing up. The next thing I know, I fell onto the hard ground off the bed. How could I be so stupid? This guy could have herpes! Even worse....aids!

Not to mention, he was fully naked.

"You're the best sex I've ever had," he said calmly. "Maybe we can get together again."

This is outrageous! He thinks he's the best thing since Hov, and its already bad that his ego is stuck up his ass and around the corner. This isn't funny! Were we protected? How could I not know this when I wasn't even wasted!

"I don't even know your name for crying out loud!" I said, getting from the floor and realizing I was naked. Maybe if he was paying me I'd go along with it, but this isn't a freebee.

"I'm Landon. It's nice to meet you Ms. -"

"Rose. My name is Rose. Now if you want can you please get out my pad?"

Landon, who's completely naked, stood up and stretch and I guess his dick decided to flex with him.

"Sure you don't want no more of this?" he said, pointing to himself. "Are you sure we had no spark?" By this time he had moved right in front of me.

Teasingly, I got closer to his face and smiled.

"We wouldn't have a spark if we put socks on, rubbed our feet against the carpet all day, and touched each other. Now, get the fuck out my house."

"LANDON!!!!!" a feminine voice rang outside my door. Landon's complete demeanor transformed in the matter of seconds. His mouth turned to a pout and his glowing green eyes transformed into a dull grey color.

"Someone's at the door for you hun," I said, grabbing my robe and making myself into the kitchen. Opening the refrigerator, I grabbed an apple off the shelf.

"Can you pretend to be my girlfriend?" he said, pleadingly.

I looked around like there was something that was supposed to pop out at him at any time.

"Sweety, this is a whore house, not a can-you-be-my-girlfriend parade. Face your fears, build and bridge, and get over it."

He sighed, and opened the door.


A girl with blond hair, and huge synthetic boobs flew into the room and made love to Landon's face. Haha! Aww, I feel for him. This has got to be something.

"Hey Ella. What's up?"

He could barely speak the words with her slobbering all over his face. She ran her hands down his bare body, and continued to kiss him.

"Hi," I said, smiling widely as she turned to look at me. Her eyes dropped open at the sight of me.

"Who's this, Landon?"

The I was eating I guess would become useful now, so I set it on the counter across from me. Rolling my eyes, I turned around and started to look threw the drawers.

"This is umm...my friend...umm...Rose."


Why couldn't I find one? I think they were all dirty.


Why do the girls always jump to the conclusions so swiftly? They never give me a chance to act- Oh, I'll just use one of the ones in the slot.

"YOU BITCH!" her voice was directed to me, and I can tell she was about to try to rough me up.

Her presence was close and as soon as I felt the air from her body, I flung the knife directly passed her head, and it went straight into the apple across from her.

"Get the FUCK out my pad. Last warning before both of you are dead."

Not only was Ella surprised, but it seemed as though Landon was to. Slowly backing away from me, Ella ran out the door and dragged Landon with her.

Smiling in satisfactory, I grabbed the apple off the counter, pulled the knife from it and continued to eat my apple, waiting until 12 so I could go tan.

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