(Ch2 Already Home) Now, Everything's Goin To Change (Sequel to Running After Love)

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(Chapter 2)


This was probably a fantasy every girl would want, but I didn't. Because as he started to corner me in the wall once more, I started to kick and scream. I didn't want him around me, nor do I want anything to do with him, because I don't know who he is or what he is. I just really wanted to be away from him at this moment - every moment.

He grabbed my by my wrist, and shook me lightly.

"You know who I am!" Dean exclaimed. I shook my head from left to right. "YOU DO!" My head shook more swiftly, after his grip around my wrist started to soften.

"I don't. Please, I really don't know who you are. I really don't know why I'm here..." I shrieked.

It wasn't fear that rang through the bones of my body, but it was fortitude. "Why can't you just leave me the hell alone!" I snapped. His face expression changed - fast. One moment it was filled with guilt and betrayal and the next it had anger and peremptory.

"You don't want to push me, Relly," he said.

I shook my head and let if slump down, so I was now facing my shoes.

"Please," I whispered, "just let me go."

He let me go, and backed up a few steps still starring at me.

"I'll give you-"

"What's up Dea-" I looked to my right to see a boy with jet black hair and green eyes starring back at me, as Dean eyed me suspiciously. He was searching for something in my face while I starred at the masculine, sinewy man in front of me. His green eyes grew wide as he continued to look over my body features more. "is that Relly?" he questioned. Dean's expression hardened, as I took a step closer.

"You seem familiar..." I said, "Like de ja vu or something..." I poked my finger to his face, as his flesh dimpled.

"Okay! No touching!" Dean exclaimed grabbing my finger away from the guy's face. "Raze OUT" Dean exclaimed. That name...THAT NAME!

"Wait," I exclaimed, "I know you..." I stated.

Dean grabbed my waist and hauled my over his shoulder, as I started to kick his immutable six pack that just had to be there!

"Get out Raze! And don't come back to work until I call and tell you!"

I heard the door close and shut but footsteps came near us as he continued to carry me.

"Put her down," a familiar voice said.


Prince Dean here was carrying Arella around as if it were his personal entertainment, and I won't have it. It was against her will, and he knew it. I'd given him the Subpoena Opus, and I expected him to read the whole thing, from prescript one all the way to the last three digit number law.

"Put her down Dean," I said.

Dean had always liked to fuck with my nerves when we would go to school in the sixties. He'd seriously test me, and see if I didn't react. He thought wrong.

"No," he said simply.

"Rail? Is that you?!?" she exclaimed.

I gripped her waist, and boosted her off of his shoulder. She hugged me and I pushed her off.

"You know this is a violation of Decree #45, section twelve: beyond one's acquiescence OR sanction may an immortal purloin a human or a mortal being," I trailed on, "and don't make my hurt you, and telegraph Queen Hilda about you, and that's your mother! Do you know how disappointed she'd be in you?"

Dean crossed his hands over his chest, and smirked broadly.

"Mother wants me to have her, ever since your stupid-ass brother came into her live, and almost drowned her!"

If my temper could be a bomb, it'd be a nuclear one. I. Was. Furious.

"How DARE you talk to me that way? How DARE you talk about MY brother that way. Listen up..." I walked up to him, and pointed my finger in his face. "Unless you want me to kill you RIGHT now, you'd better chill it out, cause I will break you in two. Do you understand me...Deanry Adith Cainta?"

His face changed from satisfied to wrathful.

I could see Arella smiling lightly, as she swallowed down her laugh.

I don't blame her.

"I will TAKE her, and she will MARRY me,"

" I -"

"Under my dead body!" Arella exclaimed. We both turned to look at her. "I will not marry you, b because so far all you've been is a psychotic, possessive boy who is obsessed about a girl who you haven't been with over decades now! Not only do I not love you, but I don't even LIKE you! I hate you for all I know, and I will loath you forever!" she shrieked.

Everyone in the building turned to look at them, and Dean stepped forward.

He gripped her chin, so that she was looking him straight in the eye.

"You will marry me, whether you like it or not."

"Then I'll hate every minute of it."

Comment or vote! OR ELSE >=]..haha jk jk...but no seriously -_-

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