(Ch18) I moved in with my rich best friend, and his sexy asshole friend lives next to us.

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*Nikki why did you write it when you don't have 75 comments or 200 votes. Sigh read at the end...



Although Eric, Tanner, and Yami did not know it, I stayed watching over Haven from hidden cameras I've placed near her bed, because whether she likes it or not I have to be there when she wakes up.

My butt was stuffed into the hospital chair in her room, watching over her as she rested. I couldn't be here knowing that Eric would fuck me up if he sees me near his 'woman' that he happened to cheat on. Hell, I didn't even know if she was going to wake up or not but with Eric's money and insurance he put her on life support.

My thoughts were interrupted by the nurse, coming in to get a daily check-up on Haven. I grabbed the clicker off of the chair's armrest and pressed the power button. The TV flickered on, and Bugs Bunny followed the toy-bot girl rabbit to that creep's house with that big, orange furry monster.

"Miss Haven?" the nurse spoke, as I found myself turning to look at Haven's moving body.

My eyes grew wide with anticipation as her eyes fluttered open revealing her bright, green eyes I haven't seen in forever. Her and I never had a drastic connection, but when she woke up I felt like I was a huge part of this entire situation.

"Why am I here?" was the first question she asked, sitting up. I've noticed she's gotten much skinner, losing her love handles making her hips have less curves. Her eyes were much more round in confusion.

"Honey I-...this young man will explain everything to you. I must notify your family about your miracle."

She scurried out of the room, before I could tell her to hold up the notification that will be given to Eric, Tanner, and Yami.

I sat on the edge of Haven's hospital bed and started to explain everything to her. I started with her friendship about Yami and none of the boys I'd mentioned much.

She burst into tears, letting them fall down her rosy cheeks and onto her hospital bed. I cuddled her into my arms, feeling sympathy for this helpless girl. I thought cuddling her more would help her relax, but she started to cry again...harder...and harder.

"Are you okay?"

Haven raised her head up and looks me flooded me in her bright, green eyes. Smiling wryly in my mind, I waited for a response after he snot sniffling.

She smiled lightly and said, "I have to pee."

I oohed helped her out of the bed, as she stumbled over and onto the ground. I crouched next to her, and lifted her up from ground and onto the bed.

"Can you walk?"

She coughed a few times before stretching her legs out in front of her, feeling that again for two months.

"I'm fucking inept..." she murmured, before laughing with no humor.

I sighed, and helped her stretch out her legs in front of her. After ten minutes of stretching, she got up again and began to walk slowly to the bathroom. It took her a while, but she had finally made it and began to close the door.

"Hey! By the way, what's your name?"

I smiled.

"I'm Alec...Alec Preston."

She bit her lips and closed the door as if we were on some cheesy romantic date. Oh gosh, how unusual. It's amazing how someone can look so good in a hospital gowns. I smirked, beginning to go and sit on the bed when I was interrupted by a deep, mean voice flowing into my ear and out the other.

"ALEC!" Eric yelled, heading to where I was. He was fuming, stomping near me. Luckily, the window was opened as that was my only option. He even said he'd be pissed if he wasn't the first one to see her wake up, and I was stupid enough to stay in her room.

I jumped out of the window, and three stories down into the grass. Eric shouted profanity at me, as I got up with my wobbly legs and headed for my Volkswagen. This is so fucking tragic.



"You like caramel frappuccinos remember?" Channer...I mean Tanner said that day, placing a cup that looked like diarrhea blended and stuffed into a cup in front of me. Grimacing, he brought the cup closer to me.

The passed three days have been a piece of shit up my ass, because soon after I aroused out of my coma I was brought to a huge penthouse on Miami Beach. It was excessively startling, maybe because I didn't' even know I lived like this. A weird vibe told me this wasn't home at all, maybe a home of a friend...but this didn't feel comfortable to be mine. This guy named Eric said that he was my boyfriend, and that we were deeply in love. I shook my head at him...

"I don't think we were together...umm...Eric..." I went one, scratching the back of my head.

I felt like he was deceiving me, because something about his aura made me question him. He seemed so peculiar to be my boyfriend.

"But we were, Haven! We were madly in love and- and..." he said, stopping himself looking me in the eyes. I closed my eyes and massaged my nose bridge.

"Anyway, do you know where I can find Alec?" I said, remembering his name perfectly, walking to a red Toyota that I guess was mine, since I was told so. Eric's eyes narrowed as his eyebrows crinkled in anger.

"What do you need to see him for?" Eric demanded, leaning himself against the truck. I shook my head and smiled, starting the car while and left my parking space to leave Eric in the parking lot.

I needed to go home...

Of course, my regular plans were interrupted by a phone call from Yami, wondering if I can stop by her band rehearsal. Being a oh so wonderful friend I am, I stopped by her home close to this apartment I had bad vibes about. Hm, lately I've been getting feelings, and as unlucky I've been lately, they tend to speak to me through my stomach.

About ten minutes later, I walked into an old garage the door squeaking from the rust building up on it's hinges. All the lights were off, maybe signaling a bad sign...but my stomach urged me to move on.

"Hello?" I called, searching for a switch on the wall.

Finally I found it, and switched it on.

"SURPRISE!" everyone screamed, almost giving me a heart attack. I smiled widely and scratched my head not sure what to do.

"Is it...my birthday?" I spoke, not remembering my own birthday. I hate this I-lost-my-memory thing I've been through. I mean, shit I can't even remember how old I am.

"This is a Happy Recovery party!" someone I didn't know said from the back.

Soon, Shake Your Pants by Cameo started playing and I just had to dance. After a while, I felt like my personal space was crowded with people so I stepped out to get some air. The night oxygen was frigid and dry from the winter nearing.

A silhouette walking closer towards the garage interrupted me from my thoughts. I stepped away from the entrance, and stuffed my hands in my jacket pockets.

"Haven?" the deep voice said, that I recognized.

I looked up to see that Alec was standing there staring at me, as if I changed over the passed three days...which I guess I have.

"What's up Alec?"

He came and stood in front of me, taking my healthy appearance in and smiled at me.

"I was just coming to your get well party."


Okay, sorry I stopped it at well...a really good part is coming up next but anyway...I didn't write all of this because I did not get the amount of votes or comments that I asked for. But I don't get why it's so hard when 2000 people read my stories...hmm...watevr.

Anyway if u want the rest of it, then reach 175 votes and 30 comments. It's up to you and this time I aint given in.

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