(Ch7)I fell from a tree while Spying on a Hot boy! GREAAT!

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Chapter 7



The Moet was gripped in one of his hands, and two airplane tickets in another. My palms clutched to my sides while Heath placed them in front of me.

"Two airplane tickets. Me and my girl to Spain. What do you say?"

He poured the Moet into the fancy wine glass, and put the ticket in my hand. What was I supposed to say? That I could skip my first week in school, and totally, like, live in Spain with you dude! No.

"Heath, I can't. I have school," I said. "And you do to."

Heath sulked and rested his hands on mine, while the cuffs of his button up shirt rubbed lightly against my hand. He'd taken me to Hermoso Noche (I'm a sucker for pretty Spanish named-restaurants:]) to tell me something significant, and told me to dress elegant. I did, and now he's offering me a romantic run-away trip to Spain, but I knew I couldn't.

"I know I have school, but both of us could easily attend school there. Go off the college together."

He had both of us all planned out, and it scared me.


"Thanks man!" I said, shaking the chef's hand politely.

I turned around, as Syke looked through the little window at Hulk boy and Nella.

"You know, it's sort of sad that you don't even know the guy's name," Zac said.

He shrugged. "Like it matters. Just go out there, and make sure you put that powder into his champagne!"

I could of sworn I heard something like, "hopeless romantic" slip from his mouth, but I couldn't quite catch it.

I buttoned up my white shirt, and threw my black apron on, and exited as I could here Ashton's and Zac's chuckles behind me. Ass holes.

"...go off the college together."

Oh shit. Syke's not going to like the sound of this. I forgot that I'd stopped in my tracks, as I got closer to the table.

"Welcome to Hermoso Noche, My name is Carlos, who am I serving today?"

My fake Spanish accent was thick, and totally believable. Hm, I'm proud of myself.

"Why is it your business?" Hulk man said.

If I wasn't supposed to be a waiter, I would've sucker-punched this guy in the mouth. So fucking impertinent. Nella slapped him lightly on the hand.

"I'd like to be a tad more friendly to know the customers, and you will get fifty percent off if we know your name for next time," I said politely.

"My name is Heath, and this is my girlfriend, Nella," he spoke.

I nodded, and smiled excitedly.

"Great! Now, what can I get for you? More champagne, maybe?"

Heath peered at Nella for approval, and she nodded lightly.

"I will come back with your wind, and for your entrée?" I asked.

They ordered the salsa with the chips. Pshtff, how typical. I went off to the back and knew that Syke was probably going to throw his questions at me, and Chef Arzak was going to go ape-shit on me when he found out o gave them fifty percent off.

"What happened? What did they say? What's his name?" he asked.

I put the order in, and peered at Syke.

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