Just 'cuz I'm the sexy badass and your the sexy sexy sexy prince, that doesn't mean I'm drawn to you

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My feet glided swiftly against the water, and of course it was no match for me. The speed of my feet is faster then the speed of light, and of course my abilities were to complex for mother nature's gifts.

My hair flew behind me and my tanned face, and would cease to the middle of my back when I came to a complete stop. All I was really looking for was fish, the sharks and everything else were not vital to my journey. When everything around me seemed to blur into the greens of the trees, I had to go back. The Pacific Ocean wasn't even too deep for me, that I've figured out along time ago.

I hovered over the center point of the huge body of water, and peered around for any cruise ships or peeping toms. It seemed clear, but the vampires knew we existed, and I don't want to risk my virtues for the sake of them.

Before a knew it, I was in the water grabbing at fish sticking them into my bag I hung over my shoulder. The damned fish slipped out of my hands in so many ways, but i didn't want to tighten my grip that much. I'd smash them into guts.

Did someone just pull on the back of my dress?

"Wait! Wha-?"

Instantly, I was pulled out of the water, and came face-to-face with my bestfriend Micheal. He was extremely beautiful, and sooo hot! But I never told him I talked like that.

"Raven, what are you doing? You know this sector belongs to the vampires!" he scolded. His blond hare glistened in the sun, as he handed his arm out to me. I hated when he did this! This is my family's food! I have to feed my damn family, and all he has to do is sit around, order it off the fuckin' menu and it's in front his face in a split second.

"Get your arm away from my Micheal! I don't care about the vampires!"

Micheal was taken back from my sudden outburst, but quickly grabbed at my wrist before pulling on it towards the sky.

"Please Rave, before the vampires come back. You're a hybrid, you are under them. You are smaller they are bigger, you are weaker they are stronger. You will NEVER be up to their level."

The words stung in my brain, but instead of giving in, I dove deeply back into the ocean and continued to catch my family's dinner. I knew Micheal would dissappear. For anything, he defiantly wasn't going to run after me. He'd never risk his high superiority for me. I wasn't going to let him stop me, this is my shit I'm taking home. We have no other choice. I wonder what humans had to go through? I learn about them in history class, but I'm sure their situation was way worse then ours.

The deeper I got, my skin began to tingle from the temperature drop. Hybrids never really got cold or warm, and we don't maintain homeostasis.

"Raven Worth, you have violated rule 28: SEC-B of the Vampire Amendments. You have trespassed on vampire ground, when you have been well aware that this is not for your crossing."

I began to grab a crab when my hand was locked in place. My vision was clear underwater, and above water. I was able to see that metal cuffs were wrapped around my two wrist, and ankles. Before one little scream could come from my mouth, I was pulled out the water and stretched out like an 'X' by four springs. It was attached to a hover bus, and I was unable to move at my position. A man, pale and strong, starred at me from the opening with his glowing red eyes. His pointy fangs burst out his mouth in danger, as if I'm supposed to back the hell off.

By this point, I wanted to scream in anger. This wasn't fair at all, we deserved better treatment.

"We aren't even on land. So what's it your talking about?"

The man stared at me strongly, before throwing some type of ball at me. Electricity shocked through me, and my body stopped and spots of blackness took over my eye sight.


"That's her!" a voice yelled. "The hybrid who spoke to lowly of us to the council."

The male voice woke me up out of my agony, and took me back to reality.

Two men sat across from me. I then realized, that I was basically glued to the chair. Maybe Micheal was right, their strength is no match for mine. My blue eyes stared icily into the vampire across from me.

"Mighty fine, isn't she?"

The accent was recognizable. He's ancient, and those are the most dangerous. Wait, did he just say what I think he did. I suppose, I didn't quite catch that correctly.

"Perfect for Prince Scar, don't you think?"

Prince Scar, the next prince to take the throne. A horrible leader, I could already see it. From this point on, my hatred for vampires was so very high. I hated their fangs, their thirst, their paleness. I hated them with such a strong passion, that if someone set the entire vampire world in front me, I'd slay all of them in less then a minute.

"I don't fuck with the lowlifes," I said out-loud, startled at myself. Do I not see the situation I'm in right now?

"Well, you're defiantly going to be fucking with him." He smirked, as he unhooked my from the chair and put hybrid-proof manacles around my wrist. The two men were sniffing me, as we exited the room.

"You smell remarkable, especially for hybrid."

"It's singular, not plural."

My face collided with the door, and I was instantly put in the room. It shut with a loud SLAM, and left me here in -thank God- decent looking room. The bed was decorated with a golden comfortor, and the ceilings were painted white.

I was suddenly distracted by a door opening, and steam leaving it. Someone is in here? I suddenly started to panic, but my outsides still looked calm. A vampire, about my age, walked out with a towel around his waist. His black hair stuck to his head from the thickness and water, and his red eyes carried straight to me.

"Who are you? What are you doing in my room?" he questioned. His voice was deep, and honestly is startled me. But what I really think he should do is put a shirt on, I mean, really?

He came closer.

"It's Raven. I'm a hybrid."

"Yes I know, and you smell absolutely delicious."

He came closer, not even trying to tame is thirst. Then, I really began to panic.

"Please, no!" I squirmed, not wanting any of him near me.

He took my head in his hands, and my eyes automatically directed towards his. They was a dark story in there, but I only got a glimpse of it. But then I had an urge. A sexual urge.

I wanted him so badly, that I tilted my head back for him to bite. What the hell am I doing?: that was the small voice in my head, but the rest of my body was under no control.

He began to suck swiftly, breaking the cuffs instantly, spreading my arms above my head.

I moaned, because it just felt soooo good.

His hands trailed under my shirt and onto my chest, massaging my breast in a comfortable rhythm. After he stopped sucking, he moved down to my lips and began to play with them with his teeth, biting them, making them blood red at the process.

It felt so good, but then realized the door was open, people were in, and I was in trouble.

VOTE AND COMMENT:) PWease. and if ya wants recommend it! then go ahead!! mwahahaa:D

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