(Day1) I'm trapped in a a box with the biggest stupid-ass in the world!

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Shit happens. I'd learned that when I was twelve years old when my dog died, my mom was jobless and my dad became a struggling saxophone player. You'd think shit gets better in a while, or maybe even settles down to a minimum of belief. But no, it just wasn't like this these passed few years.

I felt like, not only my body, but my house was empty too. Food was no problem or anything; it's just that when dad over-eats we don't have enough food to feed anyone else. I wish I can provide food for my family, or new furniture, or just even a few presents on Christmas but I was only getting paid minimum wage down at Service Bar. Let's not talk about the grown men who are looking for underage girls, or the girls who are looking for older men, because I think someone just need to blow that shit off. Despite I got to a magnet school, I still am dealing with inane, headless bimbos and freaky egotistic boys who act like the have their dicks up their ass holes. That's what I'm trying to figure out now.

It's been only one hour.

Four hours since I was thrown into this prison.

Four hours since I was heaved into this box.


I couldn't even look at my own feet or stare at the ceiling because I was just that uncomfortable. My gaze carried to Kevin on the opposite wall, and his eyes were lingering on me.

"Why the fuck are you staring at me?" I yelled. "We're trapped in a damn box and you're staring at me!" I yelled.


I felt like I needed to punch him in the butt with the strength I had, but it was just no use. But seriously? Me? Calm down? Who the hell does he think he's messing with.

"You better watch your mouth you son of a b-"

"SILENCE!" the loud spear boomed.

We both groaned as we covered our ears and looked up at the bright-lighted window.

"Who are you!" we yelled.

"I am your leader. You will do what I saw, and with no problem. I am here to examine female and male behavior. I will not harm you if not needed. You will be fed food everyday, and if you will not eat we will not offer. Understood?"

I was about to shout back, but the bright light was already gone and the voice had no proof of attendance.

My eyes lingered around the room and found there were only one bed and a table near it. Only two light bulbs hung from the ceiling on each side and swung back and forth only sometimes. The walls were white, and the floor was hard.

"Listen up man-whore," I said. "I'm not in for this little gathering. So you stay on your side and I'll stay on mine. Okay?" I spat.

"No problem, Lace," he said.

"Don't call me by my nickname!" I said, snuggling up on the wall going to sleep. I know we were trapped in this situation and supposed to be panicking but what? There's really not much you can do. "Only my friends all me by my nickname."

"Of course....you're friends...the ones you don't have," he said. "Are you sleeping on the bed?"

"Go to hell and fuck yourself."

After that much being said, I closed my eyes and dazed off.

I hated my life.

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