[2] I have to fall in love with the boy my friend's girlfriend cheated on him with. Great

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What was I supposed to do? How was I supposed to catch his undivided attention? If Sam thinks I'm going to do something nuts just to get him to take one quick glance at me, then he's out of his mind.

Right now, my head was smushed into my flat pillow on my bed. The sheets and bedspread seemed like they've been ransacked inside out. My walls were painted navy blue, but I preferred black. I wasn't emo, I just loved that color.

The next thing I know "Itty Bitty Piggy" by Nicki Minaj sounded from my iPhone across the room. I really didn't want to answer it right now, much I got my ass up anyway and went to see that Sam was calling me. What does he want!?

"Hello?" I answered, rubbing my eyes.

"Can you come to the football game tonight? Jason is going to be playing, and he might need someone to celebrate with him afterwards."

"By celebrate I hope you mean a huge party with a bunch of people, and this depends. How much are you paying me?"

"I'll pay you..." Sam trailed on, as I heard a thud from him setting the phone down. "I'll give you 90$ for a start ok?"

"You better be given me extra money to start. 'Cause I'm not doing that shit for free."

"Just be there..." Sam said, as I began to hung up. "WAIT!"

I moved the phone up to my ear to hear what else he had to say. Gosh, what now? I wonder if I can call this off.

"Try not to dress like a umm...rebel I guess?"

I ignored what he said and ended the call. Don't dress like a rebel? Who uses that word anymore, and what does he mean?

I looked down at what I was wearing, and sort of understood where he was coming from. My baggy khaki pants were a dark green, and the shirt I had on exposed m flat belly a tiny bit, and my Pumas were black.

Well, who the fuck cares if I dress like this? Gosh, all I had to do was impress the guy, and if it doesn't happen I'm going to have to just rip my shirt off. Yeah right. I'd look like a total slut who doesn't know how to keep her clothes on. Is that the reputation I want? How 'bout: hell no..


My mom wasn't home so I didn't have a ride to the game and worse - Sam wasn't picking up my phone so that meant I had to go across the street and ask my neighbor to drive me. She was a real nice old lady, but she acted like a kid - but I think that's what I loved about her.

Already knowing she was going to say yes, I headed over to her house and knocked on the door. A few seconds later, she opened it and smiled up at me. Her hair was short and white, as what she was wearing was extremely mawmaw type stuff.

"Oh mi goody! Oh Charlotte, how have you been doing?" she asked,as I bent down to hug her small frame.

"I'm good Ms.Frankson, how are you? You keeping' up with Mr. Etson?" I giggled.

Her husband died when he was in the army 40years ago, but she knew that he would want her to be happy so she started to date after she'd gotten over her death.

"Oh yes! Girl, talk about a horse!" Oh wow, that was a little disturbing.

"So is there anything I can do for you?" she said, as I hard mumbling somewhere in her house.

"Well if your not busy, could you drive me to my school for a football game?" I asked, showing my white teeth to help the answer "yes".

"I'm so sorry Charlotte, my back has been killing me!" she went on, "but my grandson might be able to take you.:

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