~1~ You might be stronger, but I'm tougher. Those two things don't equal love sweety

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Chapter 1: Deceiving Eyes

Remus wasn't exactly ever disturbed, but when I invited him into the manor, I could hear his heartbeat quicken.

"Calm down, you'll be seeing more of this often," I said, as the moans seemed to get louder and louder. Personally, I was used to this stuff by now. I've been part of this place since forever, from the very start. I was even raped here before anything special ever happened to me.

"Is this where the-"

"-breeding takes place? Correct, and make sure not to open any doors."

The castle was made of brickade: the hardest vampire mineral we could buy. The hardest human mineral is a diamond, and we can crack that in the blink of an eye.

Hissing and bed springs bouncing became more and more frequent as me moved through the house. I can't believe I was stupid enough to actually trust Remus with this job. His brain vibes gave off clueless thoughts, and I couldn't help but feel the need to send him out of here. If he's getting all hyped out about this, what the hell is going to happen when he sees the cage?

As we got deeper and deeper into the lower grounds, it became darker and darker. Remus was pissing me off, such a weak vampire. If he were one of these Bloods, I would kill him in a quick second.

"Now, we are nearing the cage. Please, if you have the urge to feed, use your nose plugs and the cushion to stuff down your throat. It helps maintaining the burning desire." I tossed the two instruments over my back, and leaned down to the green scanner. I put my eye on the thick glass, and waited for the kind, nice voice to tell me-

"Access granted."

The tungsten doors slid open, and the smell of blood instantly hit my nose. The squeak of the cushion caught my hearing, and I know Remus was stuffing it down his throat.

I instantly headed for the light switch, and pulled it down. Luminous lights suddenly lit up the entire room. Remus gasped, as I pushed him up to the cage and some of the bloods were screeching, and others were sleeping. Some of their eyes rolled to the back of their head, and their pupils were the size of an ant. Their skin was cracked and pale, but the sight seemed to bore to my eyes. But the great thing is, is when they are trained, so is their looks. I'm not too sure about how Remus felt about this.

"Remus, this is your job that you insisted on. You must feed the Bloods with buckets of the raw meat produced on the other side of the room. It will start coming out of the producer at 12am, and you must feed or they will scream and disturb others on the top floors."

"Every Friday, we extract one Blood from the confinement, and assign them to a trainer. Warning: other bloods will try to leave also. Make sure the trainer who takes them has proof of license and a shirt with "TRAINER" printed on the front and back. We don't want any of the Hellions or their entourage to try to sneak out any. War could begin that way." I took a peek at his face for a second, and I could tell if he were a human, his face would be beat red. He stared terrified at the Bloods. Hellions were the vampires who had turned away from the rules and regulations of the common vampire colony. They will do whatever they can to destruct what we have made.

"Do you understand how vital this is? This is very crucial."

He nodded, shook his head around, and stood up straight. He actually looked dedicated, and that was something I was looking for.

"Yes Ever, I completely conceive my duty."

He put his right fist to his heart, and bowed in my honor.

"Honey pot, that's the king and queen you do that for," I laughed. "But thank you for your persistence. I expect to hear well from you."

Remus smiled. Before I left, I gave him some paper work and tips for the Bloods. Supposedly, I think he could be really genius at this. He may even help the Bloods get their bloodlust under control, before the trainer gets to them.

As I passed through the lower ground, the noises from the vampires filled my ears. Remus was right, those noises are somewhat disturbing. I guess, I just blocked out the horror of it all. But I have to remember that I was in that situation once, and they would never find out who raped me, killed me, and then turned me. I don't even remember my parents. If I saw them, I wouldn't know.

I was walking towards the exit to go up the royal grounds, when one of the doors flung open.


I quickly ran to it, making sure one of the humans weren't escaping. I doubt that a vampire could ever be harmed by them, we take the humans and search for daggers and Bain and remove them from their clothes immediately.

As I got closer the door, the smell it was giving off almost made me want to run the opposite way, but I had to make sure everything was alright. Looking in the room, I saw a man. Well, in his early twenties or late teens. His red eyes stared at me, and I instantly knew it was an Ancient. My eyes became wide with fear and outrage, and his body lay on the bed.

"RED ALERT!" I shouted, the echoes whipped through the lower chamber and I knew they'd get to the top. The red light instantly went off, and when I looked back he was gone. But the smell still lingered. I took my sword out of my back pocket, and instantly scanned the room for signs to where he could have gone.

"Over here," the deep voice said. I swung behind me, hoping to cut at least the arm but he wasn't there.

-The Ancient will show himself. I throw a swift uppercut to the chin, which will miss. He will disappear and appear behind me and I will throw an upper right kick, which will crash into his ribcage, causing three of his lower ribs to crack and his thoracic vertebrae to bruise. The pain will not hit him until 3.2 seconds later, as he reappears in front of me. I fly kick into his chest, he crashes, and I pin two tungsten handcuffs around his wrist. Bingo. -

The Ancient appeared in front of me, and I threw a swift uppercut to his lower head, but he reappeared behind me. I threw the upper right kick that quickly collided right into his chest. The Ancient grunted. He was suddenly backed to where I could see him, and I finished it off with a last crash in the chest. I swung my manacles out my back pocket, and they were instantly locked on his wrist. I guess my timing was right on track, because that's when Prospir and Talis ran in with four uzis - one in both hands.

"Good job, Ever. Thankyou for the help, but we've got it from here," Prospir said, putting his guns to the Ancients head. I wonder why he wouldn't say anything. I mean, an independent vampire just beat his ass. Huhn, I bet he's speechless.

Talis looked at me from the corner of her eye.

"Ever, don't you think you should get to school? I'm pretty sure the teachers would not like you to miss another day."

What? Oh, yes. The human school I'm supposed to attend. The queen and king wouldn't be happy with me if I wasn't present, and I honestly had no other choice.

A weak chuckle came from the Ancient as I was about to begin to leave. I stopped in my tracks.

"Oh, and make sure he's tortured."

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