Part2: F****D drunk witch and my stupid human friends...and a vampire in my room. WTH!!?

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Part 2

When I arrived home, someone's presence lingered in my house. And it wasn't just the vampire either. Maybe one of his delightful friend, perhaps? Nah, I hope they wouldn't smell like a -

"AHHHHH!" A huge impact brought me to the ground and it was too dark to see who it was. It's smell was so pungent and strong that I almost gagged, but not before the thing's teeth crashed down onto my skin.


This power was so strong, that I did not have enough guts to remove such a thing away from me. It was like it was sucking the powers away from me, and all of my vision was blurring, and my nose wasn't so sensitive...It was like it was turning me...human?

I couldn't conceive the resolution, because I was driven into the cold darkness.

* * *

The large bang of metal woke me up from my deep slumber, and I didn't happen but notice I was in the cold, my clothes were removed and replaced with raggedy ones that you usually called potatoes sacks. What the fuck are they trying to make me look like? A damned slave?

I felt around the floor desperately, finally to feel bars trapping me inside. A cell?! A fucking cell?! Ha! What the hell do I look like?

Putting my hand around the bar, I pulled knowing that it would dent by the ability of my inhuman strength...But it didn't. Not one little bit. Matter of fact, I couldn't even move it a little bit.

"HEY!" I yelled through the cell.

Whispered resonated throughout the entire place, until I heard footsteps walk towards me. All sorts of thoughts ran through my head. What the fuck was going on? Why was I here? Why wasn't my magic working?

The boots dragged themselves towards my cell, and I knew then, the man standing there was huge. I mean, tell, built, and muscular!

"Ugh, you filthy peasant. What can I do for you?" he said, using an ancient accent.

"Peasant! I'm not a fuckin' peasant. I'm the fuckin' niece of Queen Ronana! I'm Princess Bullet!!!"

"You mean, Princess Bella?" I flinched, at the use of my real name. If you hadn't noticed, that name doesn't fit me. Plus, it makes me sound weak like that little pale girl in Twilight.


"Well, I know that. It's only a matter of time before-"

Then, I snapped. My anger was off the chain, and I couldn't handle it anymore.


The next thing I know, I was pulled out of my cell, my slave clothes ripped off, and my body bare in front the guard.

"What the HELL are you doing?! Don't fuckin' touch me!"

I crawled on the ground, trying to force myself up to get away from me, but he grabbed my bare hips and forced h is manhood into me. I screamed, and he laughed at my break. I don't give a fuck, if I break or not. He's fuckin' raping me! I screamed even louder, until he pressed his palm against my mouth, muffling my piercing yells.

Then, he said he was about to let his load out in me, and that's when I went into shock. His moans were getting louder and louder, until he was removed off of me and I was shaking. What the fuck just happened? My mind was so fucked up right now.

"What the hell are you doing, Yazzin?!" a deep voice yelled.

After that, my hearing was no longer. My heart was too loud that I could barely even hear anything. A light gleamed on me, and the man who was talking to the guard stepped towards me and I shuddered visibly. Please, not again. Not this time.

I bundled up my legs, and did the wrong thing by looking in between them and found that I was bleeding.

Tears flowed out my eyes, and I noticed they were just blue, the regular color eyes I was born with.

He came towards me anyway, picking me up as I struggled for him to let go of me. His grip was to strong, and he looked at me and rolled his eyes. The dumb bitch!

"I can read your mind."

I peered up at him, and frowned. If I got raped, at least this dude was good looking! But still, no man shall ever take advantage over me. Fuck that. It's bad enough I gave my innocence away when I was thirteen.

We were walking up stairs, when I was passed by a maid and the man stopped her.

"Can you please take her to get a bath please?"

A bath? I'm not fucking seven! I can stand up and bathe myself!

"Would you prefer a shower, miss?" the woman asked, staring at me.

"She's not going to talk. She's tranquilized. Take care of her as soon as possible."

Why was he taking care of me? Where am I? Why? Where? WHAT?!

The man flung me into the maids arms, and she brought me into a room. Hmph, more like a palace. But this is exactly how my house used to look.

"My name is Janny. I'm not here to kid around, and I'm certainly not here to mess with your wounds, especially when the king ordered me so."

King? King of what?

My confusion is about passed the limit.

I stepped into the bathroom reluctantly, testing if I should even try to do this. Well, for starters, Janny is a big bitch. I don't care though, I would've done the exact same thing in her position anyway.

The shower was hot, and for some reason cleared all the wounds. Maybe I have a little witch blood left in me. Stepping out of the shower, I wrapped myself in a white towel and walked out, coming face-to-face with the man who saved me from the guard earlier.

His eyes were wide for a few moments, then sunk down the regular size.

"Have a seat."

I sat on the floor, bundling my feet under my legs so that he couldn't see any of my private parts.

"Well, Princess Bella, you have been given to me by Serc. My brother, your roommate. I wasn't expecting such an appearance of you, more of the blonde he brought in with him that night. But it's just luck you showed up."

He smirked, coming up to me and leaning over so that our faces were almost touching. I'm not intimidated by him. I'm not intimidated by him. I'm not intimidated by him.

"Do not underestimate what I can do to you," he said seriously, letting his fang peek above his lower lip. "Because I can rip you into shreds."

My next action was disrespectful, I must admit, but like they say - your middle finer tells it all!

The look on his face was anger, and the next thing I know, his hand collided with my face and a smack resonated throughout the room. Damn, THAT SHIT HURT! Sometimes, I could just be timid. Like those girls who look like lost puppies when they're about to get raped instead of fighting back. It's like they want it to happen!

"Fuck you, Princess Bella." It's Bullet for crying out loud! "And watch the way you do shit. Because, as far as I'm concerned, I won't give you back to your kingdom, until your kingdom gives me what I fuckin' want!...And that's power."

Whoa, Aunt Renona has been ruling the first five kingdoms for centuries and he want the damn power. I think I'll be here for the rest of my life.

"Don't forget I can read your mind."

I shrugged, rubbing my cheek, because the sting still lingered there.

He walked to the door, leaving me there on the ground so hopeless and vulnerable. And I was, as much as I didn't want to admit it. I don't know if Smithy ever realized that

I have vanished from my hotel room ( I told him to visit me, and gave him my room number ), or if Lucy is even alive.

Before he left, he turned back to me and said, "You might be strong on the inside, but you sure as fuck aren't strong on the outside."

And closed the door, leaving me in misery.

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