(Ch3 Day6) I'm trapped in a a box with the biggest stupid-ass in the world!

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(Chapter 3- Day 6)

You're ...WHAT?!?!

Time: 8:49am

It's the same thing over and over. The servitude, labor and merciless ultimatum did not have their curb, but they were mandatory whether you hated it with passion, or adored it with your heart. My head feels like its being operated on by a surgeon, and everything is bouncy, blurred and boxy. It's queer, isn't it? That my conscious actually talks to me, probably even responding to questions I ask myself or Kevin. After several robust pats against my temples to stop my mind from running its mouth, it stopped. Not in the sense of actually to cease talking, but in the sense of my vision. My sight was now vivid, and everything seemed clear. The two hanging lights and the bed in the middle of the concrete floor, the sheets bulged up into a ball and squeezed into the corner.

I knew my sanity was falling apart one piece by one, and so was my frequent behavior. The cursing had stopped, and so had my continuous yelling about all the predicaments we were stuck in, and how they were going to kill us had entered my mind also. But they had never said anything about that, but who said they ever were? Respect was one thing that had changed in the passed 96 hours and fifty minutes, and despite the fact that wasn't conventional around here I decided to keep my big mouth shut. Our 'leader' would give us better human food, and drop us clothes every few days.

They'd riddle us this and that, and see if we could come up with an answer but Kevin always paid attention to those, never me. Another thing I'd noticed is that my face was cut up, slashes and cuts in different places, but not only my face - my legs, my arms, my stomach. Our 'leader' did regard us though, and you'd think that would be a satisfying gift - well it wasn't. He's send that boy over here with needles and this king-sized first aid kick you can probably, well, stick at least 100 hot dogs in there. It was a weird comparison, but it's been a long time since I'd gotten to eat meat. He'd drop us lettuce, and whole tomatoes with fresh oranges and shit. Does he think we like this? But if it's what we get then hell, it's what we get.

Even in menace Kevin and I are in, he still attempts to take his regular act and be the bold, satisfied, tranquil KevKev - is what the girls call him. But one day, he's going to lose his cool, and it won't be pretty. Because I lost mine a long time ago, and I started to grow more and more imperfections.

Kevin sat in his corner of The Concrete Cage (is what we call it now) and started to write something on an oh-so-magical-piece of paper, because the last time I checked, we had no writing tools, nor did we have anything close to paper.

"What are you writing?" I questioned, taking a seat next to him on the butt-cracking floor. He didn't respond, but squeezed the peek of his tongue between his lips as if concentrating. I gawked out the long, yellow notepad and a several chemistry units and studies we went over were drawn and printed onto the paper. Distinctive lysosomes, chromosomes, and vacuoles were caricatured onto the piece of loose-leaf, and lines were drawn to different cells. "What are you doing?" I repeated, paraphrasing my last question.

"What does it look like I'm doing? If I want to be a cytologist, I have to study cells and what are contained in them, right?"

"In situations like this," I trailed on, "it doesn't matter what our future holds! We could be killed for Christ's Sake! What is in your head? Huhn? Does this look like some classroom to you? Do you see test tubes, forceps, and microscopes lined up on the tables ready for use? You don't! You want to draw, and create pretty little pictures with your little creative artistry? Then put your persistent brain to work, and create an escape plan!"

My arms and limbs burned with rage and sadness that there was no way out. We were trapped in a wall-less maze without any exit, and I was starting to lose my mind. I believed that it was really leaving me now. Maybe I'm diagnosed with schizophrenia, or just the mind of a typical psycho, but all I know is that I want the end. I don't care if I live anymore, but I do care if I go to hell. So I have to stay strong both mentally and physically, ready for a brute fight, or verbal. It's all in the mind and all in the body - and if I'm not ready, no one is.

I crawled to my corner, letting my bare knees scratch against the carved pavement - blood trailing behind. The feelings of his eyes were stuck to my back; that much I knew. But why? Why not Candy Cline, the smart, intelligent girl who can practically kill someone with her eyes not be picked? But no, Lacey Harthorn has filled the spot for the complete, lunatic observatory on female and males. It's like a torturous, hamster project - except only with humans. Sick and twisted like a Twizzler; red like blood and twisted like the sick.

What a pathetic similarity.

And Go

Time: 3:42pm

The boy with white stripes decided to show up today, offering a sack of grain as if we were living in the 1800s.

"I don't want that shit," I said, my voice curving pissy and my cursing habit flowing back into my vocabulary. Nothing was worth this scum.

"I suggest you eat it," he said, through grinded teeth. "Eat it, or you'll lose."

"Lose what? My life? Okay!" I spoke, throwing my hands up in the air over-dramatically. The boy shoved the bag of grain into my hands, and kissed me quickly on the cheek. I was stunned and not in a good way. I wiped it off, covering his germs on the sack and dropping it onto the hard floor.

The bright light opened up over our heads, and two bottles of water were dropped from the ceiling. The boy caught them in both, as I noticed Kevin finally looked up from his notepad he'd been staring in all day, and glared at the boy.

"Who are you?" were his immediate words, defensive and ruthless sending shivers down my back.

"Calm down buddy, I'm just starting the havoc, that's all." He spoke. "By the way, my name is SixHundred, and you two will be battling today," he said.

"Wait, wait," I said. "You want us to fight? Why?"

I, myself, would be expecting more of an interrogation from Kevin, towards SixHundred but nothing. It's like he knew something I didn't.

"It's an observation for Leader, and I'm the only one who's been under here, so he wanted me to do it."

"Fight," was the only word that came from the loud speaker. My true feelings at the moment were dismay and petrified, all at once. Kevin would be the cahonas out of me, and he seemed ready - which was what made me paralyzed. He was bouncing back and forth on the balls of his feet, and his fists were bare, which bright green veins popping forcefully from his knuckles. His muscles tense with anticipation and eyes fierce as a tiger.

I stood there, in all my pity with my hands out wide opened, my eyes narrowed down into a straight line. My eyes were marked straight, my limbs so weak I could pass out.

I couldn't do it.

Not with my heart beating this swift, literally pounding against my chest, I knew I couldn't. SixHundred and Kevin starred at me, but I only felt one impact against my shoulder, which sent me stumbling back. Then another, and another - one on my nose and one loud, pounding one against my ear. Another to my eye and an uppercut to my stomach. Why? He seemed completely comfortable with hurting me, that it just doesn't seem right. My mind was parched for sanity and my limbs starving for strength but there was none I could provide anymore.

I hope this is a live-or-die situation, because if it's not.

I will kill him, when I'm conscious again.

Vote and Comment:) Why did i write? Read below:

"I'm gonna to die with my eyes opened:)" - Watcher 2

Helllerr! I feel better:) I just wanted you people to know that! Well, tomorrow is field day, and if you don't know with is well...then...you need to know what it is! :). ANNND I have a limo party to go to with some friends. Texas Roadhouse<3 I should be happy and joyous filled with glee all the way up to apex:) (insider) I know that's a lame insider:) but get over it...Anyway. I'm feeling...generous so you know what! MORE CHAPTERS! but i really, seriously won't be able to write this weekend at all, maybe Sunday. IDK. Well, hope u read thisss :)

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