(Preface) Now, Everything's Goin To Change (Sequel to Running After Love)

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I stood next to her dead body, and I knew for a fact there was no coming back now. She won't have contact with us, she won't be able to talk to us, she won't be able to guard me anymore, and I'll never hear her voice again.

It hurts to know that she'll never come and stand next to me and make me laugh, or feel better. Although, she wasn't the best guardian, she was a really good friend to have around. Considering I'm a loner this was all new to me, and I knew that the first time she spoke she'd be important to me and a bunch of other people

But somehow I think she had passed some of her destiny on to me like I was the next one to be gifted with all the abilities, to be liked by a bunch of guys, but no. That's not what I want. I just want her back, my best friend. And worst of all, it's not only me.

When standing here, Rail didn't cry ( I think that's because she's a very apathetic person, and I think she puts a wall in between her and her emotions) so she helped move her body into a body bag.

As her body rolled over, I saw a cut in her back, as if someone stabbed her. But who knows...it could've been Lyle before he died.

But how could that happen? Obviously Hayden was walking across the room when Lyle was dying. Hmm...I'm going to look into this.

But honestly, it doesn't matter who killed her because it won't change anything. She's dead. There's nothing no one can do. And worse, most of the people who were connected to her are dead also.

I don't know exactly about Bian, because we haven't left Shadow Region yet, and the BlueBlood Constitution is now voting for the next ruler of this world.

It's all so perplexing. This is like a story that never ends...infinite pages of words that have no meaning, but a allusion is hidden behind each printed letter. So then you have to dig deeper into the story to see where to find your answer. And then BOOM. It pops right in your face as if it had been there all along. You finally get it, but it's to late to change.

"Are you ready to go?" Rail asked.

I nodded my head lightly while starring at the tip of my converse. I tucked my hand inside my shirt pocket, and felt a cord. Curiously, I pulled it out and almost burst into tears.

It was the iPod Hayden had first given me when she came because mine was dead. Gosh, how much worse can this day get?

I let the sleeve of my jacket soak the tears in them, leaving little splotches.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Rail sulking while breathing through her gritted teeth.

"I'm coming."

And then we left. We flied through the darkness of Shadow Region and made our way up into it's stormy clouds. Lightning tried to hit us right and left, but Rail is to swift to get hit.

And then I appeared right back in my house. It's like I hit the rewind button to where everything was normal, and there was no one to protect me from my spiteful father, my loneliness, or just someone to be looking over me. But I know Hayden is. There's no doubt about it.


My body flashed back into the classroom. Bright lights shined on my pale skin, and the words on the spines of books stared back at me.

A movement came from my right, and I swiftly turned to meet Bian.

His eyes were his normal color, and he looked completely bewildered and simpleminded. His expression changed several different times, and I didn't exactly know what they changed into last, but it was quite disturbing.

Who are you?" he asked at first.

My eyes did a few careless blinks before answering.

"My name is Rail."

I guess that didn't matter much to him.

"Where is he? Where is Lyle?" he questioned rising up from his seat. He swayed from right to left, as his eyes looked like a ping pong ball being dropped into a cup.

"He's dead," I said flatly.

His eyes got wide, and he looked around the room. And I know who for.

"What about Hayden. Is she okay? Is she still mad at me?"

He was now from around the desk, and staring at me from a distance. It was defiantly a bulky feeling that his eyes were giving me. I could read them unlike everything else, and the story they were telling me wasn't exactly the most pleasant thing I've seen. "Where is Hayden?" he repeated after the moments of silence. And this time, his voice was much more demanding and wrathful, like he was ready to snap my body by bending me over his knee.

"She's..." I looked away.

I don't know what this guy is capable of! For all I know he could be much more robust then me, but then again I could accomplish anything. This really wasn't the time to be complementing and perking myself up when a guy who looks like he has killer written in his eyes, and all over the arms that look like they were going to rip me limb from limb, is demanding an answer.

"She's what?!" He said even more constraining.

His eyes were burning with something that even made me scarred.

"Hayden died in a battle about ten hours ago."

I closed my eyes, as my heart sank.

Hayden died.

Hayden died.

I just realized how much Hayden meant to everyone. Caiden and Ray even liked her, and Arella seemed pretty accustomed to her to. It's like I was the only one left out.

"No...no...no...no...no! There has to be some kind of mistake!" he yelled. His fist crushed the desk closest to him, but I honestly think that he didn't believe it.

"I'm sorry," I said.

After those words being said, I walked out of the room and left Bian to himself.

I won't cry I wont' cry I won't cry.

I NEVER cry. I will NEVER cry. I WON'T cry.

Crying is for the weak, the people who need to let their emotions out through little droplets of water. But why? I don't get the point of that gesture, but it strongly wants to come upon me right now, and I'm going to hold it in.

"Hello?" I heard a girl say.

I immediately got ready for battle. This could be an ambush, and I'm in stance. Then a little, scrawny girl came from the darkness, and was excessively dirty. Her blond hair was in a ponytail, and tear stains were placed on her face. She seemed the age of seventeen or so, and she defiantly had a glimpse of something in her.

"Oh..Umm...Are you okay?" I said stepping closer, trying to sense any traps. I sniffed the girl silently to see if she was a decoy. This could easily be one.

"Who are you?" she asked, her eyes suddenly widening. Her face held an attitude, one that was starting to piss me off.

"Who am I? Who are you?" I exclaimed.

The girl looked taken back, and gawked behind me at the High School.

"My name is Kate, and I know what you are. Just letting you know right now, and do you know anyone by the name is Hayden?" she asked.

Another friend of Hayden's?

How could this be? It's like everyone is starting to come back and see her, to see if she's alive or not, because this is utterly disturbing, and I don't know what other way to take it.

"Oh my Gosh! Would you people get it straight already? She's dead! D-E-A-D." and that's probably the most blunt I've been about a death in forever. I seriously need to go back to Mirgia or maybe Viscera, just somewhere I'm not found.

"No. No. You've got the wrong person. You know. Hayden Beaux." she said.

"HAYDEN BEAUX? SHE'S DEAD!" I screamed, and scurried away from the vexatious little creature. Gosh! I fucking hate Homo Sapien Sapiens.

This world is the weirdest of all worlds.

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