(Ch9)I moved in with my rich best friend, and his sexy asshole friend lives next to us

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Well, my neck is better ;)

I will get revenge on Tino and Kayla...

Anyway I know you guys have been waiting for this. I'm with Katie and Kashmir and they are watching Twilight (The Gay Flick) So here it goes


Chapter 9


Conner's footsteps got closer to the closet, and I panicked! I mean, honestly what was I thinking? Kissing Eric like that was so...sluttish of me! Things like that are bugging me and Conner's hand is on the knob! I looked around and went behind the huge rack of clothes.

"Wait! Conner!" Eric said.

Conner turned the knob anyway and came in. I held my breath and clutched my eyes closed.

"Dude, you still have my slacks from two years ago? Wow, man. Oh, by the way I have to go to Italy for a few days. I have a case. If you want to can join," he said.

Something from the side of me was poking me, and I couldn't help but look to my right. The underwire from another woman's bra was poking me in the rib. Not only did they have one, but at least 24. All different sizes and colors, and then reality hit me straight in the face. Eric is a player! A real life person who fucks people!

"No U-"

"Eric-y, why is he here?" Maya asked. I could picture her resting her hands on her hips with her eyebrow lifted up.

"Wait, why is she here?" Conner asked.

"She's here bec-"

"Where's Haven? She asked again.

Everything went quiet.

"Haven? She's here?" His voice rose. "Where is she? Haven!" He called.

My heart stopped, as his footsteps came closer.


I knew it, I knew she was in here all along. I'd been seen Maya, and I'd been seen the look on Eric's face when I entered his house. I'd seen how his hair was unkempt, like someone was running their hands through it. His shirt was ruffled, and a smug smile was on his face.

There was no doubt they did something.

"What are you doing here?" she said coming from under the clothes rack.

"Why are YOU here?" I said, my voice shaking.

How could she do that?

"I'm here because other then you, Eric came after me when I left and then I can't remember anything else!" She screamed.

Eric came from behind me.

"I'm sorry Conner, but I-"

"I see the way you looked when I came in here, and are you going to tell me you didn't do anything?" I said. "You know I love her!"

"Well, I don't love you!" she screamed.

My heart stopped for longer than I thought and she walked out the door swiftly leaving me and Eric.



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