[[1]] Deathrow: You have to be sexy - I mean strong to survive

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Chapter 1:

It was a great thing that I was thin, because there's no way in hell I could've taken on this. I guess, this is what backup is for. But how are we supposed to take on the Ancient Ones? We're only the Amalgam, and we sure don't have the most powerful strength. The Ancient Ones, were the ones with the gold, the ones with the long robes, and royals. They think they held so much superiority! The gluttons, always insatiable. I must admit, they are so beautiful, in every way. Most Ancients are born with yellow piercing eyes, others are born with soft green ones. Bloods are usually created by our people, and the Ancient Ones feel the need to exterminate them. Our population is decreasing.

"Where the hell are your weapons, Arella?" Persis whispered, as the rest of our ground surrounded the entire manor. The only thing we had to wear were a brown slip across our chest, and a long one on our waist. The Ancients had nothing to give to us.

"They are in my sack, Persis," I retorted, patting my hand-made sack hanging off my thigh. Persis nodded, signaling Lucan to head out with the uzi. Lucan was my destined-to-be husband. We have developed a very nice relationship, but for some reason we never produced something that made us actually fall in love. We were okay the way we were, and I believe he has someone on the side anyways.

"Zadie, move out," I spoke quickly into our connectors.

I saw a quick peek of her camouflage strip, as she moved through the high red flowers. It didn't take me more then one quick second to find out that they were amaryllis, with a hint of bane. I think, blutoxtanis: a poison lethal to the Amalgam. The bitches! They used these flowers to mark their territory, and I've been seeing far to many spots of them recently.

I soon followed, as Persis began to move out and I followed. This is unbelievable. The whole entire colony has been planning this attack over plenty years, and I can feel is in my veins that this is going to be a problem. I would not let those filthy vampires get to me.

A loud sound of a bazooka shot in the air, and I knew all hell just opened. All of the sudden, I was running passed Persis, Lucan, and even Zadia. I had to get into the castle quick as possible, but I don't exactly know how that was going to be possible. Thank God I wasn't the leader of this mission, I would've went nuts.

I made my way pushing through the high amaryllis, avoiding the poison from spilling onto me. Thyra was the commander, and boy did I know she needed my help. How would Mazimus respond to her? The leader of the Ancients? Mazimus and Thyra were once lovers, completely in love. They were both Ancients, and Thrya was perfect and heartless in every way. She was the coldest Ancient that ever walked Earth, and was hated by all of the Amalgam. One day, Mazimus and Thyra got into a fight, and she ended up dying. A bloody death it was. We even threw a celebration, but we never really expected one of our people to bring her back to life. Zylin, a blacksmith, bit her dead body to save her. He was stunningly handsome also, and no one could believe his dark sympathy.

All it has been is outrage since, until fie years ago when Thyra offered to help up defeat the Ancients, and Zylin had told the people it wasn't a sneak attack, that she really wanted revenge on them

So this is our chance, and I feel deeply that we have no control of what happens from now on.

When I finally saw a good view of the castle, I ran swiftly to the side to avoid the sentinels from getting to me. They probably had very special Bloods guarding them, because no Ancient is going to give their life protecting others.

The smell hit me like a slap in the face. Blood. And lots of it. My hunger was always under control, and for 17, my guardian said I was always good at that. The bodies were hidden, and I knew somewhere around here they had to have Ancients.

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