[1]My best friend died for me, but the vampire still craved me

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"Are you ready?" I screamed across to Chloe, as she stared at me with worried eyes. She shook her head hastily, anxiety choking her causing her face to turn red. Rolling my eyes, I jumped out my window and onto the dewy grass.

"Chloe, if you don't get your ass down here I'm gonna hit you!" I spoke. Chloe sighed in defeat and hopped out her living room window. Honestly, I was surprised they hadn't caught her by now.

We met up at the end of her drive way, and hid behind the trashcan waiting for our ride.

"Are you sure about these people, Ailyn?"

I shrugged.

"Ted said they were pretty cool, and they'd get us in the club to."

The January air caressed again my arm and made me shiver. I don't know how Louisiana's weather can change so swiftly, it just made no sense sometimes.

"Ted!? The crazy psychopath that's stalked you since freshman year?!" she exclaimed. "You're a nutcase!"

Neglecting my best friend's stupid comment, I clasped my hands together to keep the cold out. Letting my ponytail down made my black hair fall in front my bare shoulders and warmed them. I wore a strapless black dress with heels, but Chloe on the other hand wore a low V-cut that I lent to her a long time ago.

Before we could create conversation, a black limo pulled up, and the window rolled down to reveal a blond haired man. His face was chiseled into a perfect structure, but something about his mouth was unattractive. His lips were swollen, and red stained them. Yeah, you get my drift.

"I'm Eric, you know...Ted's friend."

We nodded and headed to the back seat, to find out there were more people then we thought.

Three girls and four boys stared at us as we slid into the black leather seats.

"Hey, I'm Ailyn and this is my friend Chloe."

Chloe's green eyes hardened, as she stared outside the window.

"These are the friends of Ted Rosaya," Eric said, "so we must be very nice."

Chloe finally turn around to view the clan, as she sucked in her breath as she browsed their faces.

"Why them though?" one of the boys said.

"Who knows." the red head girl spoke, crossing her arms over her chest.

Tapping my hand on my lap, I realized this was a very boring, dead limo and we needed to pump it up a bit. Cocking an eyebrow, I spread my arms above my head to reach for the remote.

"No, not right now. We still have some introducing to do," Eric spoke. I sat back down in my seat and accidentally locked my eyes with electric green ones. A man with pale skin slipped from the dark shadows on the other side of the car, and came fact to face with Chloe and I.

"This is Derik," Eric introduced the black haired angel sitting in front of us. His green blazing eyes went from me to Chloe. "And this is-"

"We don't have time," Chloe interrupted, "to fool with a bunch of vampires."

I think all hell just broke lose, I THINK...Oh no it broke. The next thing I know, Chloe pulled me by the back of my dress, open the door, and threw me out of the moving car. I flew on the concrete, as the as the car stopped a few feet ahead of me. Vampires? Has Chloe gone mad?

But when they all jumped out the car, and started hissing at Chloe my heart caught in my throat.

I peered around for a place to hide, when I saw I landed in a abandoned lot near St. Charles Avenue. Hurrying my way in was the best thing I could do at the moment, so I followed the instinct churning in my belly and head up the stairs and into the house.

How could I get in this shit when I've only been with them for ten minutes.

Limping upstairs and to a nearby window, I looked outside to see a bunch of vampires clung on Chloe's body. She was dead, but I couldn't cry, it was beyond tears that my best friend died saving my life.

Before I could catch myself staring, a pair of green eyes locked to mine. Derik bottom lip was covered in blood, as he wiped it off and came towards the house.

Comment and Vote. this will be the main story im working on now guys! If u don't like vampires or mythical creatures kiss me ass...LOVE YA!:D~THECHEMICALILLUSION(NIKKIMICHELLE)

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