Yal are gonna be MADDD: i moved in with my rich best friend...

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Sooo.... The stories might be postponed for at least 4-5 days

Because...well this is what happened

This morning i woke up with a crook in my neck.

I'm talking that shit was the worst pain i have EVER felt.

That's how bad it was.

But still being Nikki with the psycho punctual parents....

I was still forced to go to hell aka school

So i go..and i cant turn my head sideways becuase it hurts

So one of my friends call me and i turn my whole body around

1st Attempt

This kid named Elliott says "Nikki slept wrong last night"

And i asked him how he knew and he said cuz wen she called ur name u wouldve just turned ur head

And i was all okay.

So i sit down and this BITCH sneak attacks me and turns my head sideways

As u guys wouldve guessed me being Nikki and all... I bitched and bit him on his wrist

2nd Attempt

I go to a stupid catholic middle school. And the reason i stuck Catholic in there was because they are way more strict about "bullying"

I just fuck a bitch up but anyway...

So we had to go to an assembly for it.

My friend Kashmir tells me she wants to pop my neck

At that point IM scared. She catches me off guard and pops my neck to the side..

I meant to slap her in the face but my hands had formed into a fist so i punched her in the face. She got pissed for a while but got over it.

3rd and Final Attempt

We are at gym and we are sitting on the benches talking cuz we have to switch clases in the next 10min

Tino and Kayla (the bitch twins) who are cousins and are extremely aggressive. For all u people who read my top moments pf 08-09 on my other user then u know wat im tlkin about

But anyway i informed them that my neck was hurting and theh sed they wouldnt hit me with the ball.


So tino starts hitting over my head

On the wall and then it falla on my head which makes it bend down so then im screamin "IM FUCKIN TIRED OF THIS TINO! IF U TRY TO HIT ME WIT THAT ball again i aint AFRAID to punch a BITCH!!!!"

So he spikes the ball at my head and misses.

Honestly people i think tino is gay. He walks talks like it but he claims hes not so whatevr.


I am about to walk up to him when the bell rings

Because i aint gonna lie


Tino is scrawny but can beat the hell outta people

I might be

Scared but i never show it. Because showing ur scared means ur weak.

But anyway.

So aaved by the bell and thats wen i texted my dad:

The next person

Who trys to twist my head

Will get hurt

And i think thats wen he decided to pick me up

And now here i am in my bed with a fuckin ice pack on my neck


Comments and tell me who i should kill first for my lack of stories

Well, i hope my neck will stop hurting ao that i can extend my hands without a pain going through me

By the way - IM on my iPhone. Thats why im able to type.

Okay well seeya in a few days

- Nikki

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