(Ch17) I moved in with my rich best friend, and his sexy asshole friend lives next to us

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Recap -

Conner put Nailah Issa into jail because she knew information about the infamous Peoples that she would not exploit. Nailah believed in witchcraft and continued to use it to keep disappearing out of the jail cell Conner put her in. She knew Conner would keep looking for her and Peoples...along with their heinous clan of killers. The only way that she could ruin his whole entire mind and sophisticated business man act was to kill the only women he's ever loved. She started by killing Annabelle, and Peoples had given information to her about Haven.

Alec Preston has been notified about this situation and is ordered to keep an eye on Haven Rose the whole entire time. He has certain girls come in at certain times, and plans to keep Haven interested. His problem is...is that Eric is in the way of his plan, and if he doesn't do something about it, Haven could be held as hostage, or even worse...killed.

You people really need to start paying attention and picking out some context clues because I aint gonna be doing this all the time.

Here we go....


I sat in the back of my Volkswagen, and dialed Eric's penthouse number waiting for him to pick up, knowing that Haven was here at school. I knew this was the wrong thing to do, but I honestly don't give one shit if I'm affecting anything or not, because this is for her own good. Eric does not deserve this, but it's the only thing to do to help and this was part of my job. If he doesn't go ape-shit about this, then I have no clue what to do.

My tinted windows blocked the views of noisy people, to keep from staring at me although I'm regardless about this whole dilemma. I've realized what I was doing was sheer stupidity, and I am still in the state of simplicity.

The first ring and second ring he did not answer, but on the third ring was a low grunt and the ruffling of a bag.

"Hello?" he answered in an exhausted way.

I brought my voice an octave down so that he could not recognize it.

"Is Haven there?" I asked, smiling to myself at how moronic and immature I sound.

"No not right now, who is this?"

"This is her boyfriend, do you know where she could be right now?"

A very awkward silence took place in the phone as I anticipated the answer.


Was the a girl's voice?

"Oh shit!"

And the phone hang up. He wouldn't do this to Haven and I know he wouldn't. But if he did, then this is a much easier job for me.

The knocking on the side of the door made me flinch at the girl bending next to it.

I sighed heavily, exhausted from my previous slumber and the hard car seats. I wiped my eyes and stretched as I opened the door, as my eyes squinted from the strong blare of the sun. It was like I just came out the cave for the first time, and greeted by a big, shining ball that's supposed to bring people ecstasy, but in my case I was pretty pissed.

I stepped out the back of the car, and straightened out my leather jacket and peered at the girl. Her face was long, and thin as her dark hazel eyes were framed by long, black eye lashes. Her nose was not to thin, but not wide just impeccably but in place. Her lips were pink and plump and her figure just perfect. Not to skinny, not fat it's just the way it is. She seemed interesting, but not attractive in a accustomed way.

"May I help you?"

I stuffed my hands in my back pockets and waited for a reply.

"My name is Aurelie Warren, and I've noticed that you've been umm, if I say so myself, living in your car?" she said, smiling.

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