[oo1]Your the sexy, lucious boy who sells drugs to my boss, and I'm the beck and call! Ugh!

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Ambrosia and Honey, my Labrador retrievers, were lying next to the pool of the tonic-house, while I bathed my skin in the sun. My day has been extremely overbought by the emergency RED alert this morning. Not to mention, Riley had a client and she wasn't to happy about the precipitous proclamation, and neither were my other allies here at the T.H.

My job was strictly classified and austere, and I wasn't here for the big mansion or the sexy men who walk their asses through this place everyday. The money is all I'm here for, not even for the humongous room I get to rest in everyday. And as far as I'm concerned, I don't ever have to meet the head honcho unless I get in some type of severe hindrance.

"Rose!" I heard Riley's voice sing.

I knew instantly she had some dirt on one of the Areas in the south wing, because that's where the drugs are mostly made, and that's where all the men go to scrutinize the production process.

"What's up?" I said, lowering my bikini bottoms so that the sun can get more of my skin.

"Nothing, getting ready for a pose date," she said, fixing the heel of her pumps. "Don't you have any fees?"

My fees were scheduled when I wanted them to be scheduled. I might be considered a prostitute but outside this society I'm not a ho. Riley, on the other hand, enjoys her job way more then she should and it might get a tad addicting for her.

"Later, but I don't know how many I have. Did anyone call for me?" I asked Riley. But she wasn't looking at me, nor was she paying any attention. Reluctantly, I turned around to follow what caught her eyes.

Walking up the front porch was a guy. Not just any guy thought, a young man that had brilliant green eyes that could look deep on your soul. His lips were carved perfectly, and just by the structure of his shoulders, I could tell he was athletic. I, personally, have never seen someone so impeccable in my entire life.

My thoughts were cut off when I noticed he had disappeared behind the double doors of the main building in the tonic-house.

"That's the sexiest man I've ever seen," concluded Riley.

I shrugged it off, fixing my shades, and raising my martini off the ground and took a sip.

"Amen to that!"

Riley kneeled down, and rested her arm on my beach chair and continued to talk about him.

"Do you think he's here for a pound?" she went on. "Maybe not. He had a bag in his hand, you know the kind you put fancy flask in? But I doubt it was that."

She kept speaking about it on and on, but I couldn't help but think about his eyes. He hadn't exactly looked back at me, but his eyes showed in the heave cascade of sunshine.

"Maybe he's going sell some to the main man. I heard he does heroin anyway."

Riley scratched the top of her nose, and shrugged.

"Well, I know he doesn't, because he would've looked much older then he does."

I agreed, and relaxed with Riley at my beach chair. It was almost nightfall anyway, and I wasn't trying to burn my skin off. Ambrosia and Honey ran off into the nearby park, but I'm sure I'd see them tomorrow.

Before dusk, Riley had went to go get ready for a fee and a while after that I made my way into the main building. I

The plush red carpet under my feet quickly altered to a cold floor, leading to the mini kitchen in the south wing.

It wasn't extremely safe to amble around this area, especially since men were in here for pounds, and I had on a mini white bikini. My long black hair was let down to my middle back, and my blue eyes still hid behind my glasses.

After dumping out my glass in the kitchen and walking to the luxury smash pads, I made my way to number 628. Why would they make it such a big number when they really don't even have that many rooms? Beats me.

We always have to check everything in our rooms, because to many criminals come walking through these halls, and I can't afford any of that.

My walls were painted a neon green and blue designs were placed flawlessly to give the room a nice blue tint when the sun shines through my windows. Ey! I just got used to this a few weeks ago, and I'm lovin' in!

Pressing the play button on my iPod dock "I Wanna Rock (G-Mix)" played from my speakers.

"I WANNA ROCK RIGHT NOW," I sang, as I turned on my shower. Waiting until the water was hot, I jumped in and let the hot water hit my face.

"Ughh! Rock Nation is the game now," I continued to sing.

Closing my eyes, I ran my hands through my hair but felt an odd presence behind me. Before I could check, a strong arm rapped itself around my bare chest and another went over my mouth.

"Hey Precious," an English accent spit.

Using my strength, I turned around to see the...the...YOUNG MAN I SAW AT THE POOL!?

His black hair was wet from the shower, and I couldn't help but to tell how lusciously sexy he looked.

Not saying anything, he came closer to my face, but kissed my neck and rubbed my chest.

Not feeling nothing but pressure, I escaped into his seductive curse, and fucked the sexy boy I saw at the pool, a boy I did not know.

~If I get enough votes and comment I'll continue!~J

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