Part3 - Drunk witch and my stupid human friends...and a vampire in my room. WTH!!?

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My chores were on a gray piece of paper warred down by the dust packing on it in their vacant drawer. I can't believe this! Whatever or whoever that vampire is, I swear I'm not falling for his stupid ass tricks. I might have hated vampires before but now I fuckin' loath them.

"Hello It," a deep voice, that unfortunately, I have come to recognize said. Continuing to scrub the tiles on the floor, I refused to look at the damned vampire. Vampire king or not, it can kiss my ass. The only words running in my mind at this point were 'fuck you'.


The soul of his shoe went under my chin to lift up my face to look at him. The next thing I know, a sword's point was face-to-face with me. Was he about to stab me? Holy shit, I'm fa' really about to die.

"The next time I call you fuckin' name you answer me." He didn't fuckin' say my name. And Princess Bella will NEVER be my name, not in a million years...or however many years I end up living. "You are going to plant some more flowers in my garden for my dearest sister. If you dare try to escape the perimeter of this dwelling, you will pay profoundly. Do you understand?"

My thoughts were blocked from him, that I could do, and I was enjoying him not being able to read my mind. This was utterly involuntary.

Nodding my head, I got up off my knees and made my way out of the door, not looking at him one bit. Damn bitch. If I had a freakin' witch-switch I'd be out of here, and that I know.

"This way, Princess," Janny said, snatching onto my wrist and leading me towards the garden. It was huge, and vividly colored with pinks, purples, blues, and yellows. Red flowers were most common, so why didn't they have any? I wanted to ask, but the words would not carry out of my mouth.

Janny left me there, and as I expected, a dozen guards were staring at me from invisible places. I could just feel their presence, and it wasn't very comfortable.

I peered around every once in a while, checking to see if I could ever try consider to escape. But I couldn't, not with their intense gazes at least.

Then, out of nowhere, I was no longer holding plants. I didn't have a shovel in my hand, and I wasn't seeing billions and billions of flowers anymore. I was in a forest, deep into a forest. Wait, the only way this could've happened is if-

"Hello there, my sweet Bullet," Kale's cold voice said. I turned around to face my future husband. It was an arranged marriage, as I remember. I never had come back to marry him, and he got pissed. We once had a friendship, until I disobeyed him.

"Kale, why did you use your black magic to make us appear here?" I exclaimed. I mean, look at this! In a fuckin' forest! Why not home with Aunt Renona? Then, I realized I just spoke. But this is Kale, a warlock, not a vampire or werewolf. Perhaps, it was okay to talk to him.

"If I take you away from here, it's a free ticket for all of us to get our heads chopped off. You wouldn't want Aunt Renona and Glinda to have their heads replaced with two pumpkin pies would you?"

I shook my head, aware of how uncomfortable he was trying to make this.

"So WHAT am I here for? If we're not escaping, then what's going on?"

Kale took out two swords and handed me one. I peered at him quizzically, before wrapping my hand around its handle. Is he trying to help me?

"No shit, I'm trying to help you. I just handed you a sword dumbass."

Kale and his stupid black magic are pissing me off.

"Okay? You want me to create a massacre or something?"

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