[1] I have to fall in love with the boy my friend's girlfriend cheated on him with. Great

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Sam peanut butter-and-jellied us together for the whole entire semester. I mean, Sam's my best friend and everything, but when it comes to his breakups and his oh-so famous friends-with-benefits segregations, I'm somehow glued to his arms at all times.

"She cheated on me!" Sam yelled in the car on our way to school. "I had no choice but to break up with her! And...and she did it with that Jason kid!"

It took all the strength within me to not turn the radio station higher to drown out all of his annoying bellowing about that Kendra girl.

"You know how much I loved her right, Charlie?"

Yep, my name was Charlie, short for Charlotte which is kind of sheepish, so I go by Charlie. My eyes were a bright honeysuckle, and my hair was long and brown. My skin was a light tan, which was my natural skin color. In my opinion, I couldn't say I was the best looking out there because I'm just plain and simple.

"Yes, you loved Kendra with your heart soul and mind and would do anything for her," I said, mocking his description for her.

"Wow, you know exactly how I feel. She's just so-"

"beautiful and I still love her."

Sam scowled, as we pulled up to Ben Franklin High school, home of the falcons. He sighed, and hit his forehead against the steering wheel in frustration. Sam was to good for this. He was built with muscles, that were completely outstanding. He was the leader of the soccer team (which Coach recently suspended him because of his behavior) and maxed it with his sandy brown hair and green eyes. His personality traits were all mixed up though.

"I'm so sorry, I know you don't like listening to people vent their problems."

I chuckled sardonically.

"Ya damn skippy."

I retreated from Sam's car, and into the teal-tiled corridor of teen hell. It wasn't that is was that bad, but the shit these people fuss about is absolutely outrageous! Before I knew it, Sam was right in front of me and trying to stop. Sam HAS gone through a lot with this girl, but if he continues to do this I'm going to be pissed.

"I just need a good friend right now, okay? I know I'm supposed to tell my man-"

"Boy," I corrected

He rolled his eyes and continued

"problems to the boys. I promise that I'll be better!"

Wow. This girl has got Sam yearning for a good friend, and what kind of boy begs his friend to just be by his side at all times? No one. This is Sam, a walking menace, a complete disgrace to the words 'socially active'. He's supposed to have Cory and Ted to be there to help him get over it by going to a crazy party or something. Isn't that what all boys do? But I knew I was right, Sam is a fricin teddy bear inside, but personally I think all boys are.



I'm in my last class and Sam hasn't stopped babbling about Kendra and that Jason guy all day. Did I know him? He kind of sounds familiar, but I don't really pay attention to the people out of my one-people circle. No, I wasn't a social outcast! Gah! That would be like having a disease. I just enjoy being alone more then anything. Time to think, and time to get ready for the future.

"....and then, I thought she loved m-" he was interrupted by a sudden pause as the door opened.

A black-haired boy walked into the room, showing off his muscles (nice sized) with his tee-shirt, and the nice outline of his waist. His black hair was cut short, and his eyes were a dark brown.

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