(Ch1) My smartmouth got me a new job as a servant for the prince! WHOOPDEEDO!

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Chapter 1 - The Beginning of the End

My thin black tights had several holes slit through them, as my neon blue shirt- embellished with a huge smiley face- clung to my figure but stopped at my thighs. My wavy black hair was styled perfectly in that half-up/half-down position, and my sunglasses made the look strive to its success.

Reviewing my look in the foyer mirror, I stepped out into the cold weather and waited for Case to pull up.

My name is Romy Vanderbell and I am known as a Rogue: a mythical creature formed from the twists and screw ups of the typical fictitious parasites and brutes. My life's purpose isn't crucial like a vampire's is, to save the world from the Armageddon - where the seals aren't unwrapped and the trumpets aren't blown, so that the moon is not as red as blood, when the sea is not poison. I could go on and on about the Apocalypse, but it's a waste of valuable time.

I am 16, and I age just like every other human but die younger, although I can read minds. I'm in-love with a boy named Case Miller, his hair dark brown and his eyes matching. Case is an Undead, which means he has been dead but acts alive in matters. His past was horrible, as he was born as a grateful, benevolent boy who wasn't resented by anyone. His soul was jinxed with the Devil, as he went on killing and killing, but he has left the spirit of him when he demised.

"Are you ready?" Case's voice boomed, sending me out of my thoughts. Smiling, I walked up to his Lexus, opened the door, sat on his black leather seats, and buckled up. He smelled of Calvin Klein which was my absolute favorite cologne for a man.

"What's up?" I articulated, as his car pulled off down the street.

"Nothing much. Just listening to my sister bitch about how she didn't study for her psychology exam."

I swerved around in my seat, realizing I had not acknowledged her presence since I've gotten in the car. Her hands were clenched to her sides as she stared out the window to prevent looking at me.

"Why didn't you study?" I asked, curious to why she could be so mad about a psychology exam? It's been the same exact logic we've been learning for two years!

"Because I was busy."

"Busy with what?"

"Just busy."

"With what?"

"I SAID I WAS BUSY," she finished, yelling to the top of her lungs.

"Cecelia!" Case exclaimed, surprised at his sister's outburst.

"I'm tired of this bitch trying to get in my way. If I didn't study, then I didn't study!"

I was never good with kids, nor did I like them. And as far as I'm concerned, that's what she is. Cecelia and I never got along, even when Case and I weren't dating. She was one of those people you'd see walking up to you and your heart would start beating so fast, and then she'd pass you up and you'd ask yourself why you're so scared. Well, not me and that's the reason she loved to push my buttons more than usual.

"Listen up!" I yelled. "I've tried to be nice to your little bratty ass, but I'm fuckin tired of it. I was trying to help YOU, and guess what? The only way you're going to get rid of me is if I leave and that's never going to happen! Got it?"

Cecelia spit on my face disrespectfully, and that's when I lunged for her. We were now pulling up in the school parking lot, but I was punching her in her face while she pulled my hair.

"Romy stop! You're going to kill her!"

Cecelia punched me in the face, which made me hit the window. The next thing I know, strong arms were pulling me out the car and away from Cecelia.

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