c l e p s y d r a

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"High school sucks. I am sorry for the language but it sucks. I cannot help but say it out." I invite a few gasps and actual shocked faces turned towards me. A little bit of mumbling and a little bit of clearing throats.

"High school was a disaster for me. Started with bullying me for being a nerd and when I tried too hard to fit in by doing all the so-called cool things, they started to call me a slut who cannot get enough of boys. I mean who gives the right to bully anyway? Forget that. Keeping that aside, high school was not good in any other way too. Okay, call it teen issues, I don't care. Why is it so important to have a gang? And who decides the theme? I was not accepted anywhere. Well, take this. I did not want to be accepted. God! You guys suck."

"Emily...enough," Ms. Habermann says and reaches for the mic in my hand.

"Thank you, Emily. Is there anyone else who wants to share their feelings on leaving this place?"

"I think this one summed up for every other, we might be having, Ms. Habermann," The principal retorts politely but with his teeth clenched. Angry? Annoyed? Cannot tell.

I walk out backstage and sit down in one of the chairs to cup my face with both my hands.


I turn around to see Ms. Habermann watching me. She has always been supportive of me. I did not mention her in the only good thing about High school.

"I am sorr...," I say and she cuts me off.

"It is fine. You said what you felt like saying. No biggie."

I hug her because apparently I think I am in loss of words for her understanding.

"They might call your parents but high school is over for you now. I don't think it will matter. I wish you all the best for your future. And I will miss you," she says.

"I will miss you too."

"Hey..," Someone calls after me as I walk out of the school to the parking lot. I do not take the bus because it is usually crowded with humans. I prefer my bike.

"Hi," I say to Locky. Weird name, I know. But she is the prettiest I have known or seen or whatever. Just the prettiest. With sky blue eyes and brunette black hair.

"You were brave back on stage."


"Locky Woodland," She says and extends her hand for a hand shake.

I hate handshakes. Human contact is ewww. But I look at her hand and they look smooth and flawless. Actually, germ free. We shake hands and electricity passes through me. Maybe I am a good conductor or what?

"Emily," I say in an almost whisper.

"Would you like a coffee sometime?," She asks, looking straight into my eyes. Straight through me, maybe. Weird feelings.

"Sure," I hear myself saying.

Her face lights up with the most amazing smile I have ever seen.

And the best things happen when high school ends. After all this time? Always.


Thank you for reading.

I hope you like it. Please do comment what you think of it and vote. :D See you next tuesday. :)

~ pythagoraswasadouche (29/01)

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