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Her rasping breath was echoing through the hallway. She halted to peek behind only to find him still approaching her. Her heart rate spiked up the notch and her pupils dilated with fear.

"Please somebody... help me...," her face was streaked with dried tears. She shut her eyes praying that the nightmare would end.

"Oh my god, please save me...," she dragged herself towards the exit stumbling due to the fresh wounds on her body yelping with pain.

In an instant, he was looming above her. She could now see him in his horrendous glory. A monster with a gruesome burnt face, bloodshot eyes hideous enough to give everyone the scare of their lives. She noticed the large knife soaking crimson red in his hand. She could not help but scream in fright.

"No.... pleaseee... noooo..."

He was just about to strike.

When suddenly she burst giggling and no, not just that but she was doubling with it.

The director's voice blared through the loudspeaker. "Cut....cut," he shook his head coming onto the scene, "What is happening here, Lisette... You ruined the whole scene. Care to explain what is so funny?"

In between the gasps she spoke, or let's say tried to, "Omg... hahaha... just looking at his face makes me...goooo...hahaha...," she controlled herself and continued," I am sorry, I mean, Of course, I am, well sort of... You know that when a character does something so stupid like the way he was trying to make those gargling voices ...I thought he was going to puke on me. I couldn't help my laugh. He acts just so stupid."

Mr. Mack Holm in his entire career had never met such a woman as Lisette, a beautiful and amazing actor. One of the best their theatre company had but she was a naughty child at heart. He crinkled his face and tried not to laugh too, "Well, when are going to act as your age, you are a 24 year old woman, for Pete's sake," though he was her boss but loved her as his own daughter.

Turning toward the masked man he spoke, "Well, it seems Joseph. You are not scary enough, what do you wish to tell about that?"

"basttnashhttmaafauot," was the reply.

"What?" Mr. Mack Holm quirked an eyebrow.

Joseph paused and removed his head costume. "Well, you know even in a mask. She cannot deny my charismatic presence. Not her fault, I would say," smirking at Lisette who was now lounging on the sofa.

"Hah...whatever lets you sleep at night? I would never trust a man with a mask. Don't you watch those stupid horror movies?" she simpered back.

Mr. Mack Holm cut in," too. You know that I want this show to be the best so no more fooling around. Get back up."

"So, Miss Lisette ready to die," mischief sparked in Joseph's eyes.

"Oh, puh-leaze Mr. Masky- Man...please don't kill me. I want to be in the sequel of the show, "she chirped.

They completed the rehearsals and were ready to hit the stage for the finale next day.

That night was pitch dark, the wolves were restless and howled painfully engulfing the vicinity in the eerie atmosphere. It was a bad omen. The winds were swiveling harshly uprooting many trees. Amidst the uproar no one heard the shrill cry from the house at the Palm Street. No one heard the axe hitting something solid.

Next day...

People were chatting excitedly and making themselves comfortable for the show about to be staged.

The curtains parted and the show began. Everything was going perfect. Mr. Mack Holm was sitting in the front row enjoying his creation and feeling like a proud father. The audience was engrossed in the play.

At backstage, some of the actors were laughing at one actor talking something animatedly in front of them. Of course, that was Lisette. Suddenly, Alice, the assistant director broke, "Guys, have you seen Joseph anywhere, he is supposed to get ready for the scene and Lizzy, you too stay put."

Logan piped in," Don't worry, he will get around."

"I hope so, or else we will be in trouble," Alice walked away mumbling.

"Okay, guys, it's about my scene and I hope Joseph would not chicken out and be on the stage, "she was excited.

Her tattered night gown was ripped and splattered with blood. Her light coloured hair were matted and tangled making it stick together in chunks. As on the cue, she found Alice giving her thumbs-up that meant Joseph was about to come on the stage.

There was a chaotic sound emanating behind her. She could feel a breath on her neck. Her brain could only ever half process the sound. It was loud and terrible. She whipped around to see the figure carrying an axe. Wait, an axe ! Is that a last moment prop change? Her face scrunched but she tried to stay in her character.

"What do you want from me?" she asked dramatically.

"To see what your intestines look like," his voice sent a chill through her spine.

. She was frozen with fear. His gaze pinned her. His free hand was digging into her arm and she cried in pain. Well, so much for acting. He came closer and spoke something in her ear that made her eyes widen with fear and before she could utter a word, he threw and pinned her down.

Mr. Mack Holm was confused and about to say something when suddenly as volunteer came with a phone.

"Sir, sorry to disturb but there is a call from Station sheriff for you, he says it's really urgent."

"Okay," he went outside in the corridor and what he heard made his blood run cold.

"Mr. Mack Holm, Hello... Sir, are you still there...," The phone clattered to the ground as he ran inside the hall and aiming for the stage.

But it was too late. His cries and futile attempts were drowned inside the sea of applause. People were swarming around him to congratulate him but his face was ashen to see the stage which was almost bathing in blood as the curtain fell.

There were only two people in the theatre who got the news that Joseph was found butchered to pieces last night. One, Mr. Mack Holm and other which now a body crumpled at the right corner. DEAD. 



A thriller from our beautiful guest author Riya60 

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