||Horror Story ||

140 13 2

Its a full moon day. The moonlight is shimmering down to the road, striving through the canopy of the thick leaves. It is my usual route that I take to enter my village after working on the evening shift, but unlike other days I'm alone on the road tonight.

As usual, I walk from the nearest bus stop to my home. When a massive tree that stands magnificently at the entrance of our village come into view, I hear my friend's voice in my head.

A virgin girl hung herself in that tree and you know, if they die as a virgin they'd roam the land as ghost until they fulfil their needs with humans.

My heart bangs inside my chest and my breathing is rasp while I quicken my pace to get past quickly.

"I need you!" a girl's voice calls from behind me and there goes everything into the dark dots.

A/N: Akiprabagar (22/02)

Hope you liked the shortest horror :-) did you scream???

Aki 〰 <3

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