The Waters

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The gentle current of the sky-blue, ocean moves gently with the slight breeze. The gorgeous waters reflect the golden rays of the orange, setting sun in the horizon.

The salty waters expand far and wide. Jagged rocks stick up with water lapping around it. Bits of plastic, paper, milk cartons and other rubbish littered the ocean. Dark, black liquid lay on top of the surface of the large amount of water.

The smell of dead fish and rotting trash floated through the sea air. Silver fish drifted above the water, enveloped in the black oil which had been decorated with bits of litter.

Next to the black liquid stood a mountain of garbage, piled so high that it almost reached the white, puffy clouds in the sky. The mountain extends far out into the ocean, destroying the beautiful scene.

Seagulls float nearby the mountain with bits of plastic around their necks and wings. A young, brown seal with teddy bear eyes, drifts along with the current and the debris.

The buzzing of flies can be heard a mile away as they buzz around the giant heap. Seagulls call to one another as they flock around, in a desperate search for food. The wasteland drifts by like a horrific, never-ending nightmare.

The once crystal-blue sea of magnificent, beautiful, unique creatures has become a dark and gloomy graveyard with no escape.


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