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Why do those devils have to shout so much? She always wondered. Don't they have anything else to do? She watched them everyday, those white, yellow, black and all the other devils whiz past her house. That was their only life, just run here and there the whole day and shout like maniacs. They irritated her a lot.

She was about to turn her gaze from the grey land to the blue above, when one of those devils stopped in front of her house. The black and yellow skin of the devil shone under the light of sun. Suddenly, it opened from the middle and two of the scrawny humans stepped out.

Both the humans had their fingers locked in the others. They stood there, in front of the black and yellow devil, for sometime, before walking towards her. She watched as they slowly opened the small gate of her house, walked through the small patch full of green land, and then stopped right in front of her.

The boy had a nice suit for a skin, while the girl had a red one which stuck to her body. They stood there in front of her, and before she could even avert her eyes, the shameless humans locked their lips. She just kept watching in astonishment as they kept eating the others lips. Those lips must be very tasty!

When the horror show was finally over, they took a step forward and stepped onto her. It was a custom for all those humans who entered their house to give a rub on her back with their feet. Some had hard leather feet, while some had those pointy ones. Some feet would have ropes dangling out from them, while some would just be open. But if there was one thing that was common in them, it was the rub they all gave her. No one would forget to do that.

She loved the attention they were giving her, when the door to her house opened. They must have ringed that loud bell, but she didn't hear it today. The door swung open to reveal another one of those humans. Her mistress, the one who brought her to this house, she was an old human who had a loose baggy skin.

"Welcome home my dears," the old one shouted wrapping her arms around the two.

If those back-rubs were the best moments of her day, this was the worst one. She didn't understand these foolish humans. She had already welcomed the humans, there was a big welcome written on her back, and yet the old one welcomed them again. Why did she keep her here if she wanted to welcome them on her own?

"How was the honeymoon dear...?"

And just like that all the humans trailed back into the house slamming the door shut. No goodbye, no thanks, nothing. Humans are definitely strange creatures. That big, brown door was going to be her only companion for some time now. Its not like she didn't like him, he was a nice lad. Infact, he was the only one who didn't leave her. He swung away every now and then, but he'd always return back to talk to her. But then, how much can you talk to a door, right?

"Don't you feel bad because of the mistreatment the humans give you?" the door asked suddenly, breaking her chain of thoughts.

"What? Mistreatment?" she asked back.

But that question was more to her self rather than to him. The humans mistreated her? Why did the door thought like that? Sure they never talked to her, sure they never used her unless needed, sure they ignored her whenever possible, sure they just walked past her like she was no one; but then, they gave her the back rubs as well.

"No, I don't think so," she said in a silent voice to the door, "this is just the way they show their love nowadays."

The door was obviously not satisfied by her answer.

"How can you be so sure of that?"

"Why not?" she amused, "Look at that old human in that house across the street. She also just sits by the door like me. The other humans of that house, and even the ones who come from outside, they just walk past her like she is not there. They just come to talk with her when they need something. Otherwise, she doesn't matter to them at all."

She paused for a moment, allowing the door to take a glance at that old human. He thought about it in his hinges, and finally he too agreed with her.

"These humans are strange creatures, but their ways of showing love are even stranger."

Both, she and the door, spent many more years in that house savoring the love humans gave them, and watching that old human across the street do the same as well. If that human was didn't complain about the way other humans treated her; then who were they to feel bad about that.

"It's just their way of showing love nowadays!" 


Based on a micro-tale by I_noticed32


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